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Dude dbol only cycle is amazing first cycle.. idk why ppl are so against that. OR I'm hearing eq only cycles are the way to go now. AND 8 weeks is plenty of time dude just preload it the first week inject EOD and it'll kick in end of second week I do this every time I run a long ester.. BUT u need 500mgs dude. And anyone who's says I'm crazy just ask anyone they'll say the Same shit. So if ur running 500mgs a week. Here's the thing about gear, it's so fucking straight forward and simple that ppl on here nit pick anything. Shit it doesn't matter what u take ur first cycle ur gunna get shutdown unless ur young and have tons of t I didn't get shutdown my first cycle at 18. Anyway so with that said, dbol only, test only, anavar only, what's the difference. It's simple u take a more mild steroid ur first cycle to see how ur body handles androgens, and do a pct, and go from there.