Hey guys, I'm 22 years old and I've decided to take a cycle of test-e stacked with Dbol. I am 6'4, 205, and around 12-15% body fat. I have been training off an on for 4 years (had some major life set backs that hindered my gym life) and have put on a good bit of muscle considering I graduated HS at 160 pounds. Without giving too much information, I will not advance or really even be considered with the career path I have chosen if I am not larger than I am, and I feel I have met my "natural peak" as far as how much I can naturally gain in the gym in a decent amount of time.
I have done my research on my gear, and know exactly what I have and what I'm doing. I am doing 270mg of test e twice a week, and 30 mg of dbol spread out through the day. I have ate properly for some time now, and know the diet I need to be successful. Now that part is out of the way, please don't judge or hate on me. I understand what I am doing. It is for professional advancement. Next.
My question is what I need to do for PCT? When doing my research I couldn't find a consensus of what you're supposed to take. saw many differing opinions... Maybe I'm looking in the wrong boards or sites. I bought clomid that I plan to start 2 weeks after my last injection. Is there anything else I should take?
Any other suggestions about anything? thanks in advance guys