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Thread: Dosing Ranges and Dialing In

  1. #1
    gmikes is offline New Member
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    Dosing Ranges and Dialing In

    I have been on TRT for a little over 1 year. I take 200 mg per week with 100 units of HCG and 1 mg of anastrozole. I recently ran my first cycle of tren enanthate , starting at 200 mg/week, and increasing to ultimately 400 mg/week. I am a math and science guy, and I like to have things calculated and planned out. It seems, however, that the scientific information out there on dosing is shit. As far as I can tell, and this is a very generalized guideline, recovery improves at the 100-200 mg/ week range for injectible anabolics like test, tren, and deca , but real anabolic improvement requires dosages in the 400-500 mg range. Obviously genetics and body size will affect this. Also, I ran 50 mg/day of prescription Anavar for 180 days and got nothing in terms of results.

    Does anyone have any input on (i) determining which anabolics will be most effective for your personal genetic and bodily makeup, and (ii) the best way to dial in the right doses for your body? Obviously you can just start taking stuff and tweaking over time and see what happens, but that seems like a very inefficient way to go. I have to think there is a better way to go about this from an experimental point of view. Any input is appreciated.
    Last edited by gmikes; 06-14-2017 at 11:37 AM.

  2. #2
    Marcus G's Avatar
    Marcus G is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by gmikes View Post
    I have been on TRT for a little over 1 year. I take 200 mg per week with 100 units of HCG and 10 mg of anastrozole. I recently ran my first cycle of tren enanthate, starting at 200 mg/week, and increasing to ultimately 400 mg/week. I am a math and science guy, and I like to have things calculated and planned out. It seems, however, that the scientific information out there on dosing is shit. As far as I can tell, and this is a very generalized guideline, recovery improves at the 100-200 mg/ week range for injectible anabolics like test, tren, and deca, but real anabolic improvement requires dosages in the 400-500 mg range. Obviously genetics and body size will affect this. Does anyone have any input on (i) determining which anabolics will be most effective for your personal genetic and bodily makeup, and (ii) the best way to dial in the right doses for your body? Obviously you can just start taking stuff and tweaking over time and see what happens, but that seems like a very inefficient way to go. I have to think there is a better way to go about this from an experimental point of view. Any input is appreciated.
    You take 10mg of arimidex per week??

  3. #3
    gmikes is offline New Member
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    Sorry that was supposed to be 1 mg - not 10. Fat fingers.

  4. #4
    Marcus G's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gmikes View Post
    Sorry that was supposed to be 1 mg - not 10. Fat fingers.
    I thought it was, just thought I'd make sure lol. As for your questions the only way is through trail and error. I personally don't think compounds have a relation with physical genetic make up...

  5. #5
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    If you didn't see results from running 50mg of pharma Anavar for 6 months then....
    my guess is your diet and training are the problem

  6. #6
    cousinmuscles's Avatar
    cousinmuscles is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Deadlifting Dog View Post
    If you didn't see results from running 50mg of pharma Anavar for 6 months then....
    my guess is your diet and training are the problem
    Have no intention of starting an argument based on ones word vs the others, but I really feel like I should comment here. I found anavar in its raw form and tested it with labmax presence test and quantitative test. It passed both and the quantitative showed it was pretty much pure anavar. I did 100mg per day and the only thing I noticed is a little increase in hardness, vascularity, and a little bit on shape of my chest and shoulders. No strength gains or anything. Felt like it must have been one of the weakest anabolics out there. After 4 weeks I gave the rest to my friend who said his forearms got harder but that was it. I do not even consider the anavar to be part of my cycle since it didnt even do anything.
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  7. #7
    guitarzan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rnsplg View Post
    Have no intention of starting an argument based on ones word vs the others, but I really feel like I should comment here. I found anavar in its raw form and tested it with labmax presence test and quantitative test. It passed both and the quantitative showed it was pretty much pure anavar. I did 100mg per day and the only thing I noticed is a little increase in hardness, vascularity, and a little bit on shape of my chest and shoulders. No strength gains or anything. Felt like it must have been one of the weakest anabolics out there. After 4 weeks I gave the rest to my friend who said his forearms got harder but that was it. I do not even consider the anavar to be part of my cycle since it didnt even do anything.
    It is safe for women

  8. #8
    600@50's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rnsplg View Post

    Have no intention of starting an argument based on ones word vs the others, but I really feel like I should comment here. I found anavar in its raw form and tested it with labmax presence test and quantitative test. It passed both and the quantitative showed it was pretty much pure anavar. I did 100mg per day and the only thing I noticed is a little increase in hardness, vascularity, and a little bit on shape of my chest and shoulders. No strength gains or anything. Felt like it must have been one of the weakest anabolics out there. After 4 weeks I gave the rest to my friend who said his forearms got harder but that was it. I do not even consider the anavar to be part of my cycle since it didnt even do anything.
    This is why I've never tried anavar . The guys I know who are bodybuilders love it as a finishing compound for a contest. They say it hardens them up with increased vascularity. As a powerlifter I just never felt that anavar would be that beneficial for this particular sport.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by guitarzan View Post

    It is safe for women
    Anavar has been used for years by many women. As with any aas it is more safe with moderation. There's many threads on this site about women using anavar. Use the search function.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by gmikes View Post
    I have been on TRT for a little over 1 year. I take 200 mg per week with 100 units of HCG and 1 mg of anastrozole. I recently ran my first cycle of tren enanthate , starting at 200 mg/week, and increasing to ultimately 400 mg/week. I am a math and science guy, and I like to have things calculated and planned out. It seems, however, that the scientific information out there on dosing is shit. As far as I can tell, and this is a very generalized guideline, recovery improves at the 100-200 mg/ week range for injectible anabolics like test, tren, and deca , but real anabolic improvement requires dosages in the 400-500 mg range. Obviously genetics and body size will affect this. Also, I ran 50 mg/day of prescription Anavar for 180 days and got nothing in terms of results.

    Does anyone have any input on (i) determining which anabolics will be most effective for your personal genetic and bodily makeup, and (ii) the best way to dial in the right doses for your body? Obviously you can just start taking stuff and tweaking over time and see what happens, but that seems like a very inefficient way to go. I have to think there is a better way to go about this from an experimental point of view. Any input is appreciated.
    For a digital guy like you, it must be hard to enter such an analog world like cycling AAS. AAS is a controlled substance and there are regulations on doing human trial with controlled substances. So what we're left with is "bro science". Yes, it's not perfect and it's not compiled in to a neat graph but there is a HUGE amount of accumulated knowledge on this site. If you give your stats (ht, wt, age, cycle history, bf, etc) there will probably be someone on this board that's similar in physical characteristic that will respond. Then you'll have a starting point. Each cycle you do will add more data to your personal chart. Over time, you'll dial in your cycle that is unique to your body. I too wish there was some clinical data out there.

  11. #11
    gmikes is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02 View Post
    For a digital guy like you, it must be hard to enter such an analog world like cycling AAS. AAS is a controlled substance and there are regulations on doing human trial with controlled substances. So what we're left with is "bro science". Yes, it's not perfect and it's not compiled in to a neat graph but there is a HUGE amount of accumulated knowledge on this site. If you give your stats (ht, wt, age, cycle history, bf, etc) there will probably be someone on this board that's similar in physical characteristic that will respond. Then you'll have a starting point. Each cycle you do will add more data to your personal chart. Over time, you'll dial in your cycle that is unique to your body. I too wish there was some clinical data out there.

    Appreciate the input. The policy on anabolics in this country is complete nonsense.. but I don't have to tell anyone here that.

    I am 5'8", 175 lb, +/- 12% body fat, 39 years old. Genetically, I am inclined to look like a stick figure with fat retention in the belly. I weighed 120 lbs my senior year of high school, if that gives you an idea. I really just want to get to a ripped 185. Not looking to go crazy. Because of the genetics and my age, I find myself having to put in twice the work to get results. I am trying to figure out the right anabolic regiment to even out these two significant hurdles. I have been an TRT for about 18 months. It may be as simple as increasing my testosterone to 400 mg/week. But more information is always better.. so "bro science" it is.

  12. #12
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    Tren isn't a compound for beginners start off with the other compounds until gains slow then hit the tren.

  13. #13
    guitarzan's Avatar
    guitarzan is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by 600@50 View Post
    Anavar has been used for years by many women. As with any aas it is more safe with moderation. There's many threads on this site about women using anavar. Use the search function.
    Use the search function for what?

  14. #14
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Assuming the tren you ran was actually tren, then the issue must be nutrition and/or training. Eating enough is hard to do. Gaining muscle is hard to do. If it were easy and steroids were magic we'd all look like Arnold with little to no training. You should have been able to make substantial gains during that time frame which is what leads me to believe it's probably food related.

    One of the lines that gets thrown around heer frequently is this, if you weigh 180lbs and want to be 200lbs then you have to eat like a 200lb man. Then after cycle you have to continue to eat at that level to maintain as much of those gains as possible. It's a hard thing to do and honestly it's where most guys fail. Evaluate you nutrition and maybe post up in the Nutrition Forum for the experts to guide you.
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