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Thread: Not sure if I am wrong or my gear is total $%^#.

  1. #1
    Coco0177 is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Not sure if I am wrong or my gear is total $%^#.

    Hey guys

    Been on a deca -test-d.bol cycle for 5 weeks now.gained 5kg almost instantly at the start and I am still maintaining it after stopping dbol at week 4.

    the cycle goes like.

    Sustanon - 600mg 1-14
    deca - 400mg 1-12
    dbol 20mg 1-4 /12-16


    Clomid 100-50-50-50
    Aromasin 12.5 eod


    (for nolva not sure cause there is a lot been told about progesterone issues)

    I have all of them on hand. Hcg at week 6 (still no ball shrinkage)
    Calorie surplus diet at 3500cals with 250-300gr protein per day.
    also I am using dostinex for prolactin issues .

    The problem is...Shouldn't I blow the fuck up with deca?I mean..I do really alot more than my 1st test only cycle in which i gained 15kg.Am I doing something wrong?The gear is valid but why I don't gain as much as I expect?

    I am using Gep deca and susta and have enanthate from pct also for the other 7 weeks.

    Status are :
    years of training since 13years old
    26years old almost now

    training routine : 6 days per week hypertrophy for 6 weeks and then powerlifting till the end of the cycle.

    P.S. at week 3-5 I wasn't eating THAT good cause I started a new work and had to focus alot there and also didn't sleep well enough..that must be it but I need your input .

    Thank you again guys

  2. #2
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    I am assuming this isn't your 1st cycle beacuse on 1st cycles and 1st cycles only you grow like a weed.Deca takes a long time too kick in and needs to be run about 14 weeks keep your diet in check and you will grow and you don't need to keep raising the test dose.

  3. #3
    Back In Black's Avatar
    Back In Black is offline Beach Bodybuilder ~Elite-Hall of Fame~
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    Mar 2006
    You should be running your ai during your cycle and not have it to hand.

    Start your Hcg asap too.

    Clomid and nolva for PCT, extend the nolva by 2 weeks. You will be shut down from the deca already and need all the help you can get to recover.

    Do you have any bloodwork planned?
    PT1982 likes this.

  4. #4
    Coco0177 is offline Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2017
    Sorry i did not mention.i am using aromasin inside the cycle too of first cycle was.500mg test.i won't raise the dosages as i think they are more than enough.

    Had a bloodwork done and everything was normal !after 1 month from pct i will do one more so see how i am doing.

    Ok songdog i will follow your advice.the weeks where i wasn't eating sleeping well must have held me back.

    Thank tou for your input.

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