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Thread: Did I screw myself by front loading?

  1. #1
    MountKilimanjaro is offline New Member
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    Jun 2017

    Did I screw myself by front loading?

    Hey guys, need a bit of advice here. The last time I've done a cycle was when I did HRT a couple years ago, and I've done a handful of cycles when I was much younger. I'm 37 now. Please bare with this novel I'm about to write.

    I recently had an MRI that showed a partial tear of the rotator cuff and some AC joint degeneration. Normally, I would just go through physical therapy and allow this to heal over time, but I have an event in 8 weeks I need to be in peak physical shape for.

    I looked through some research articles on Deca that site injections have shown to increase healing of tendon and ligament tears, along with the known benefits for the joints

    Long story short, I'm not trying to bulk, I just want the therapeutic benefits of Deca, so I of course stack it with test-e and I have arimidex and hcg on hand.

    The initial 10 week cycle plan was (all per week):

    250 mg test-e
    225 mg Deca
    500 IU HCG x 2
    Arimidex 1 mg x 2 if needed per blood work

    My "trainer" convinced me to frontload both the test and Deca. Now that I ran the numbers, I'm afraid I screwed myself.

    I've attached a graph on just the Test-E alone, based on a half-life of 12 days. The first week I took 3 shots, which totaled 1,250 mgs (500,500,250). Then the plan is to take 250 mgs per week for the rest of the cycle.

    As you can see in the graph, the amount of Test in my system for the majority of my cycle will now be between 600-800 mgs. This scares the crap out of me. As I mentioned before, I wanted therapeutic benefits, not to bulk. The Deca graph would come out similar.

    Am I correctly interpreting how much will be in my system due to the frontload? If so, how can bring down the levels, would I just skip a shot or two?

    Thanks for any help
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Did I screw myself by front loading?-img_7679.jpg  

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Don't worry too much about it. What's done is done. Just take the normal dose and your body will reach homeostasis over time. Your body is just amazing. It will self correct.
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  3. #3
    MountKilimanjaro is offline New Member
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    ...that's what I get for listening to bro-science instead of actual science.

    I realized I didn't take into consideration the molecular weight of the enanthate ester. I'm actually only getting ~62% of the active, so it's not as bad as I initially thought and will rerun the calculations.

    The only problem is I see conflicting information on the half-life of Test-E and Deca . I've always read they are roughly 12 -15 days on message boards, but I have seen peer reviewed research articles claiming 6-8 days.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    I've read 14 days myself.

  5. #5
    Marcus G's Avatar
    Marcus G is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Just don't frontload, it's unnecessary.

  6. #6
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Quote Originally Posted by MountKilimanjaro View Post
    ...that's what I get for listening to bro-science instead of actual science.

    I realized I didn't take into consideration the molecular weight of the enanthate ester. I'm actually only getting ~62% of the active, so it's not as bad as I initially thought and will rerun the calculations.

    The only problem is I see conflicting information on the half-life of Test-E and Deca. I've always read they are roughly 12 -15 days on message boards, but I have seen peer reviewed research articles claiming 6-8 days.
    Half life of test is about 5-7 days metabolism dependent. 12-15 days (etc) would be it's terminal life. Here's a quick graph showing half life post injection:

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    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  7. #7
    MountKilimanjaro is offline New Member
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    That's great information kelkel, thanks!

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    Learning something new every day.

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