07-04-2017, 06:59 AM #1
HCG Question
Currently on my first cycle, im wondering if there's a chance to inject HCG (Once a week) @500iU instead of splitting.
Im stil injecting test twice, but preparing the injection with HCG at 250iU (wich is really low dosage) is pretty hard to do; is there a way to do test e 250/250 mon thur and hcg only once @500iu (wich is 0.4ML according to my mix on the vial).
This is just a question, if not ill do my best to keep it up twice a week.
07-04-2017, 07:55 AM #2
No, to maintain even blood levels it needs to be taken at least twice a week. Why is it hard for you to prepare 250iu?
07-04-2017, 08:45 AM #3
Cause we got a 4ML vial with 5000 iU wich ends up being 0,2ml for 250iu (And its hard for me to fill 0.2ml exactly) was thinking about a 0.4 dose to be more accurate.
Other way was getting bigger vials but im from Argentina and there's no way to get one, tried and couldnt get something bigger than 4ML (the one im using)
Guess ill keep with 0,2! thanks for replying!
07-04-2017, 08:53 AM #4
What kind of syringes are you using? .2 is a piece of cake with a 1ml syringe
07-04-2017, 05:28 PM #5
Once a week injections are fine if you have to. But you don't. As guitarzan said, it's easy. That's really all it is, simple math. You can always Google peptide calculator if you have to get technical.
07-04-2017, 11:48 PM #6
07-05-2017, 08:51 AM #7
Thanks for the replies! ill stay with twice hcg injections a week !
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