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Thread: Anavar, T3/Clen, intermittent fasting, and an attempted emergency body recomp

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Nov 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Jiggerjaw View Post
    Do you blindly do what people tell you to do? You mock my plan, call me stupid, but don't point me to any research or even answer any of my questions. I'm here because I fully recognize and admit that people here know more than I do. Over and over, I have been kind and asked for help. Over and over, you've been a dick. Everyone else has posted with legitimate replies and are truly trying to help me out and warn me about things I'm doing wrong. All you're doing is piggybacking on other people telling me things, not offering any insight, and being rude.

    If you know of side effects that occur while crashing E, the information would be appreciated. After all, my post is literally asking if there's any side effects that I'm missing if I crash my E. I didn't say "I know for a fact that I'm right". I said "What am I missing?". I don't know everything and I can admit to that. If you don't have any helpful information and all you want to do is make fun of me for not knowing everything, why the hell are you on this forum? This is a question forum and I posted asking "Is what I'm doing okay, if not please explain why". I'm not a blind sheep, I make my own decisions based off the information I'm presented with. I'm here to gather information from people that have the experience that I don't.
    Blindly? No, but if I ask multiple people that are reputable I would take their advice if I had no idea what I was doing.

    I never called you stupid, I said what you are trying to do is and I am right.

    I'm not going to sit here and google things you could yourself, you asked for advice and 9 people have tried to tell you what you are doing is wrong, what else do you need to hear?

    It seems like I'm piggybacking on what everyone else is saying because everyone is saying the same thing lol. Forget about me if you think I'm just trying to be a jerk, listen to everyone else then because they are saying the same thing using different words.

    There are a lot of side effects from crashing you E. Does it really have to be spelled out for you? You didn't listen before when people tried and gave up, I'm one of the few still here trying to help you are just taking it the wrong way.

    Anyways, I won't post on your thread anymore

    Good luck

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Jiggerjaw View Post
    Do you blindly do what people tell you to do? You mock my plan, call me stupid, but don't point me to any research or even answer any of my questions. I'm here because I fully recognize and admit that people here know more than I do. Over and over, I have been kind and asked for help. Over and over, you've been a dick. Everyone else has posted with legitimate replies and are truly trying to help me out and warn me about things I'm doing wrong. All you're doing is piggybacking on other people telling me things, not offering any insight, and being rude.

    If you know of side effects that occur while crashing E, the information would be appreciated. After all, my post is literally asking if there's any side effects that I'm missing if I crash my E. I didn't say "I know for a fact that I'm right". I said "What am I missing?". I don't know everything and I can admit to that. If you don't have any helpful information and all you want to do is make fun of me for not knowing everything, why the hell are you on this forum? This is a question forum and I posted asking "Is what I'm doing okay, if not please explain why". I'm not a blind sheep, I make my own decisions based off the information I'm presented with. I'm here to gather information from people that have the experience that I don't.
    On the home page of steroid dot com are a host of sections rife with information on steroids, ancillaries, all the side effects, indications, etc. I know there is some info in there that is not tried and true but for someone intellectually steroid naive (and I mean that sincerely, not facetiously) there is a ton of good info. There are also "sticky notes" at the top of all of the forum sections which contain a ton of information.

    When you have a couple of hours I'm sure you can find a lot of people to tell you how AAS messed them up because they used them uninformed. I would be one of those people.

    As far as crashing estrogen...I don't know which felt worse, having no estrogen from letrozole (which was prescribed by my TRT doc until I convinced her to use adex) or having no testosterone. I agree wholeheartedly with max out with diet and routine and then go to AAS if you still want to. Since you've already started get with one of the experienced guys and let them guide you off or through completion, including HCG and let them guide you with ancillaries.

    Do I do everything I'm told? If I am getting solid advice from a vet, yes. I found one guy I go to religiously here who is respected and whose fund of knowledge is incredible. You can't buy that resource with money and there are a lot of guys here who can help. Most everyone I have approached PM out of the forum has been more than helpful, and I in turn have listened and learned (tried to) and tried to get myself out of the way.

    Kudos for starting down a path of change, hopefully it's a lifelong path for fitness and awareness. Good luck!

  3. #43
    I guess I'm different... I have a hard time with doing something just because someone tells me to :P

    Thank you for the post! You are right... When I googled "low estrogen in men" nothing came up but searching the forum specifically came up with a bunch of horror stories. I'm pretty much phasing the AI out of my PCT except for insanely low microdoses the day following an HCG stick. So far, so good.

    I do plan on staying on the wagon this time I've worked out religiously since ~18 years old... This has just been a weird year or two

  4. #44
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    Do you think its been worth shutting down your hpta to achieve what youve achieved so far? Honest question.

    If you do and you accept any consequenses that accompany your decision then nobody can say much to you.

    Its obviousy way to late to take advice but reflect on the posts in this log next time you think about anabolics

  5. #45
    It's going to take seeing how shut down I am to really know... If I lose all the muscle I managed to keep through the cut, then obviously it wasn't worth anything. If I stop seeing gains for a few weeks but stay where I'm at, I'll be pretty happy.

    I know it doesn't look like much, but this is about where I was fitness-wise before taking a workout hiatus. That was after years of training. I managed to get from a 200 pound fat ass back to that point in a couple months. My lifts aren't where they were before but that's to be expected during a cutting cycle.

    I used to work at a hospital lab which meant free blood tests for letting the new phlebotomist practice drawing on us. I've always sat on the very low end of normal for T... Just high enough to not require any treatment but definitely at a genetic disadvantage to every other 20 year old. These seemingly mundane gains would have been literally impossible for me if I wasn't on chemicals. I know this for a fact.

    I know it wouldn't have taken me years to see the results again. A lot of that time was the learning curve. Doing isolation exercises, way too much cardio, and not eating near enough calories to maintain a healthy body. Still, even knowing what I know now... It would have been 2 months or more of slowly cutting off fat followed by another couple months of bulking back up. School starts back up in a month so I wouldn't be able to train like I can now and it would possibly take even longer.

    That's a pretty long time to hate your own body.

  6. #46
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    Honestly do hope it all works out for you man.

    I am also at the bottom end of the test range at a similar age. Lowering my test further was never in my head. It seemed counter productive if you think its causing you ill health.

    Once this is all done. Work towards a successful nd healthy body naturally for a while before cycling again. Youd be amazed what can happen if you eat and train right

  7. #47
    Final update posted. PCT worked like a charm

    Maybe no one else thinks the results are too impressive but I'm pretty happy with them. Peace out, don't be a sheep

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