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Thread: Considering using steroids...need advice!!

  1. #1
    Fss9 is offline New Member
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    Jul 2017

    Considering using steroids...need advice!!

    Hi everyone.

    I am a 21 year old guy, nearly 22.
    5'5 in height, About 105lbs in weight, very small and skinny. Not anorexic, but I almost look it
    I've trained on and off before. But things get in the way and you stop.

    Even if I eat properly, train properly, do everything natural, after a few YEARS...STILL I might considered skinny and small. STILL I might be lighter than most GIRLS
    I do not want to wait that long!!!!!!!! I cannot.

    If I was to start, what should I use? How much? ETC...
    How do I use it in a way to gain BIG/FAST GAINS while not messing your self up health wise!! Is it even possible?

    So many things out there its confusing
    Also all this PCT stuff is so complicated, I've read people saying how libido totally gone. Don't want to deal with that.
    So confusing...
    Last edited by Fss9; 07-09-2017 at 11:23 PM.

  2. #2
    Back In Black's Avatar
    Back In Black is offline Beach Bodybuilder ~Elite-Hall of Fame~
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    You should try training consistently and eating more calories than you burn.

    Steroids will do nothing good for you at your age and even at any age without the right commitment to training and diet..

    Head to our diet section and get some advice there.
    songdog likes this.

  3. #3
    Sh0tsf1red is offline Member
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    Too young

    Keep working hard and eating more

    Quit crying, it takes a lot of time and hard work

  4. #4
    Nogbad the bad is offline Associate Member
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    There is no shortcut,no easy way,to aquire a good physique.Training with weights,eating right,is damned hard work,and so so many give up,because
    they realise it takes more dedication,than the majority are prepared to afford it.When you see the pros,with their huge ripped physiques,you need to
    understand what they sacrafice to achieve it.Yes they take gear,but they also go through a regime you wouldn't or couldn't,even if you wanted to.
    When i first started training with weights,i was very self conscious,as i was 76 inches tall,and very slim.I didn't realise i still had growing to do,and
    would fill out naturally,but that wasn't a bad thing,as it made me determined to improve myself.I never took anything,apart from some vile concoction
    back in the day called 'liquid liver' lol.Everyone i trained with,fell by the wayside eventually,due to women,drink drugs,and various other pursuits,yet i
    had the determination to keep on going,as the results were there to see.
    When you work really hard for something,that is when you truly appreciate it,and that applies in all walks of life.I have only just started using,and i am an old
    man.If i had my time again,i definitely would not use gear because i know i didn't need it.
    tommybahama likes this.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Fss9 View Post
    Hi everyone.

    I am a 21 year old guy, nearly 22.
    5'5 in height, About 105lbs in weight, very small and skinny. Not anorexic, but I almost look it
    I've trained on and off before. But things get in the way and you stop.

    Even if I eat properly, train properly, do everything natural, after a few YEARS...STILL I might considered skinny and small. STILL I might be lighter than most GIRLS
    I do not want to wait that long!!!!!!!! I cannot.

    If I was to start, what should I use? How much? ETC...
    How do I use it in a way to gain BIG/FAST GAINS while not messing your self up health wise!! Is it even possible?

    So many things out there its confusing
    Also all this PCT stuff is so complicated, I've read people saying how libido totally gone. Don't want to deal with that.
    So confusing...
    I totally feel your pain. I graduated from High School at 5'11" 125lbs, graduated from college at 140lbs. Skinny my whole life. I wanted to be like Arnold but my body metabolism was off the charts. I took a body fat measurement at school and I was below 3%. Really skinny guy. Here's the deal though. Your body naturally goes to a state of homeostasis. In other words, it's looking to be stable. If your stable condition is skinny and you take steroids , yes, you will gain muscles while you are on the cycle. Then when you get off, your body will naturally want to go back to where it is comfortable. Unless you eat like a horse to maintain your new body, it will revert right back to it's natural state. The best thing to do at this point is to slowly and naturally increase your body weight (size) over time. When you're about 25, you'll be ready to run an AAS cycle and you will be so much happier that you waited. Good luck.

  6. #6
    hardgainer1's Avatar
    hardgainer1 is offline Senior Member
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    Too young, eat a lot more. Study muscle building nutrition it will take you a long way.

  7. #7
    Couchlock is offline Banned
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    Come on now...

    My girls 5'3 and after 5 months of training she is up 5 lbs from,115. And she don't know shit about diet or lifting to fail.

    I don't truly think you've been at it for a few years.

    And no, if you eat and train right or even mediocridly you will gain a bit.
    Last edited by Couchlock; 07-12-2017 at 02:30 AM.

  8. #8
    tommybahama is offline Junior Member
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    My ex girlfriend tried some stuff once. We didn't have sex for almost 4 months and it made her p lips swell up like mangos lol

  9. #9
    Obs's Avatar
    Obs is offline Changed Man
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    Not gonna say what any above did. Yes you are too young for steroids .
    You also have poor genetics.
    Go to the doctor and get bloodwork and a thyroid panel and post your results here.
    Yes eat and lift right, but at that size you more than likely have a genetic flaw and or thyroid problems. Dont get discouraged and give up. Follow through and stay with us, you are at the right place to get bigger.
    Get the thyroid panel.

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