I am 23, 5'11", currently about 200 lbs, coming off a relatively strict carb cycle diet. Probably between 12%-15% BF
Reverse diet is set to transition into bulking macros, I think I've got that down pretty well.
I have been training consistently and with purpose since 2015. But "lifting" since high school.
I plan on starting my first cycle in a couple of weeks and want to make sure I do it right.
I will lay out my cycle plans below and use this thread as a guide throughout my cycle, I will add questions where I might have some confusion:
Test E, 300 mg/ml :: 500mg/week for 12 weeks
2 Injections of 250mg (.8CC)/week Probably Monday and Thursday.
Due to how mild this cycle is I planned on only using adex as needed on cycle if I experience symptoms of gyno, bad bloat, etc.. I have it on hand if needed. Is this okay? It was how I was originally instructed to administer it, only if needed and no more than a quarter CC/day.
Getting pre-cycle labs done this weekend will add them to this post to ensure all internals are normal and good to go.
Will get mid cycle (6 weeks) and post cycle labs as well.
4 week PCT plan is as follows:
Nolva: 20/20/10/10
Clomid: 50/50/25/25
The stuff I have on Hand is:
2x Nolva: "Tamoxifen Citrate 20mg X (30ml)"
2x Clomid: "Clomiphene 40mg X (30ml)"
I am a bit confused about how to dose this stuff and how to interpret this label.
For example, if I am to take 20mg of Nolva per day for the first two weeks and 10mg/day for the last two and the label on the bottle reads as stated above. How much do I take? To me it looks like it is saying there's only 20mg in this entire bottle. I'm assuming I am wrong, and these are just 30ml bottles and it's 20mg/ml.
Last thing for PCT is I don't have any HCG and was previously instructed that I really should not need it due to, again, how mild this cycle is. I was told Clomid and Nolva would be more than enough. Thoughts on this? I would not even begin to know where to look for the stuff.
Last question I have is, all the gear I have, test, adex, and PCT drugs are all about a year and a half old and have never been opened/used. From what I've researched as long as you keep the stuff cool and dry (which i have) it should be good for like 5 years. The PCT drugs get crystalized but after shaking them up they become homogenous. I shouldn't have any issues with this should I?
Thanks in advance.