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Thread: A little guidance needed for my first cycle (I've used the "first cycle template")

  1. #1

    Question A little guidance needed for my first cycle (I've used the "first cycle template")

    Hi guys, I'm newbie to the Anabolic side of things but I've been training for a number of years with varying degrees of success whilst previously trying to juggle the social life of a "party animal" and one whom has been travelling the world for the past 4 years.

    I always said that I'd delve into this side of things when I finally felt that I needed to and now that I've finally outgrown my youthful desire to burn the candle at both ends but also finding that with my youthful exuberance waning It's also having a knock on effect to my training and I'm not getting the same results I did in my early 20's.

    So... My first cycle is a few weeks away from commencing and through years of filtering out "Bro science" and having befriended a few locally well respected body builders and PT's I have all the tools at my disposal to get this show on the road.

    I tried to post my first cycle and it was denied due new member restrictions. I'll try to add it as a comment after posting the thread

    Supplements I'll be taking during my cycle are below (feel free to advise additions or subtractions)
    fish oil
    MCT oil
    Multi Vits
    creatine monohydrate
    Milk Thistle

    My diet and training plan are both being prepared for me by a PT friend but It'll be around 1000 calories + over my TDEE as standard.

    My main area of guidance required is really for afterwards. I have a month long trip planned to Thailand where I will most certainly indulging in large quantities of alcohol from time to time and maybe not always tracking my macros efficiently or training as much as I would at home. The trip will be around 9 weeks after my last injection. And I'm worried about any negative effects of over indulgence besides the obvious of muscle wastage and fat gain (I'll deal with those when I return home)

    Maybe some of you would even advise against doing the cycle prior to my trip altogether.

    My stats/body composition are:
    18% Body Fat
    34 inch waist
    38 inch hips.

    I'm aiming to be 200lbs at the commencement of my cycle I would imagine with body fat closer to 15%.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated guys.

    Ps. I have drank alcohol once this year and have no intention of doing so again until I go to Thailand.

  2. #2
    Ok so I'm mot allowed to post any names of products but anyway my first cycle will identical to the one posted on the 'My first cycle thread' with the only questions or possible changes being to add an oral in the last 6 weeks or whether or not to inject every 3.5 days or 5 days as there is so much conflicting information on that side of things.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2017
    I'm not one to give advice....but imo you should wait to get back from your trip to start cycle...clean slate nothing in the been waiting this long what's a few more weeks

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Max562 View Post
    I'm not one to give advice....but imo you should wait to get back from your trip to start cycle...clean slate nothing in the been waiting this long what's a few more weeks

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    That has been crossing my mind a lot. I had planned the cycle and sourced my goods and then the chance of the trip developed afterwards. So rather than starting in two weeks time I'd likely be looking at Early February next year.

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