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Thread: Tren A + Test P Cycle opinions: COMPLETE LAYOUT

  1. #1
    www2 is offline New Member
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    Jul 2017

    Tren A + Test P Cycle opinions: COMPLETE LAYOUT

    Hey guys and gals,

    I've spent the past few days setting up my next cycle and would like some opinions as I am a perfectionist. Let me specify that I am 26 y/o, 5'11", 178lbs, ~12% BF, and have 8 years of lifting under my belt- currently 5-6 times a week always with a minimum of 20mins cardio for the past 8 months with a clean diet (some cheats on weekends). The goal of this cycle is to be absolutely shredded as I am not too concerned with major strength gains.

    Substances I plan on using:
    Tren A
    Test P
    Vit B6
    hCG -- Never used it before but would like opinions on proper use
    Raloxifene -- Only will use if gyno is an issue (60mg/day until symptoms resolve)

    12 WEEK CYCLE:

    1) Tren Ace
    50mg ED x3 weeks
    75mg ED x9 weeks

    2) Test Prop
    75mg EOD x12 weeks

    3) Clenbuterol (Taper 2 weeks on/off)
    20mg x2 days
    40mg x2 days
    60mg x2 days
    80mg x3 days
    40mg x3 days
    20mg x2 days

    4) T3 (Taper Twice)
    12.5mg x1 week
    25mg x1 week
    50mg x1 week
    25mg x1 week
    12.5mg x1 week

    5) Bromicriptine (1.25mg AM, 1.25mg PM)
    2.5mg ED x12 weeks

    6) Arimidex
    0.5mg EOD

    7) Vit B6
    600mg ED

    PCP (start 3 days after week 12 is completed)

    1) Clomid (75/50/50/50)
    75mg x1 week
    50mg x3 weeks

    2) Nolva (40/20/20/20)
    40mg x1 week
    20mg x3 weeks


    Thanks in advance for any advice given.

  2. #2
    matt thebeard is offline Junior Member
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    Feb 2017
    looks like a good cycle to me but i've personally never tapered off on clen can I ask the thinking behind that? I would also run some t3 if I was looking to shred to that degree

  3. #3
    www2 is offline New Member
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    Jul 2017
    T3 is listed above (see #4).
    That's how I have run clen in the past, do you just recommend a solid 80mg on/off x2 weeks?

    Also, do you have advice on running hCG ? And do you suggest having Raloxifene on hand or could I just use Nolva if gyno is an issue (has not been in the past).

  4. #4
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Have you run Tren before? I ask as it's a hefty dose which is not needed for most people. Also there's no need to ramp up. Pick a dose. Further, for short esters normally 8 to maybe 10 weeks is more than enough. That's the whole point of short esters, they work faster. And honestly, I don't really know anyone who needs 525 mgs tren A per week unless there's a serious competition pending.

    Your prop dose is fine but when you add in .5 mg eod of Adex you may very well crash your E2. My thought would be .25 x 2 eod and check bloods maybe 4 weeks in. HCG at 250 IU's x 2 per week is sufficient.
    songdog likes this.
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  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by www2 View Post
    Hey guys and gals,

    I've spent the past few days setting up my next cycle and would like some opinions as I am a perfectionist. Let me specify that I am 26 y/o, 5'11", 178lbs, ~12% BF, and have 8 years of lifting under my belt- currently 5-6 times a week always with a minimum of 20mins cardio for the past 8 months with a clean diet (some cheats on weekends). The goal of this cycle is to be absolutely shredded as I am not too concerned with major strength gains.

    Substances I plan on using:
    Tren A
    Test P
    Vit B6
    hCG -- Never used it before but would like opinions on proper use
    Raloxifene -- Only will use if gyno is an issue (60mg/day until symptoms resolve)

    12 WEEK CYCLE:

    1) Tren Ace
    50mg ED x3 weeks
    75mg ED x9 weeks

    2) Test Prop
    75mg EOD x12 weeks

    3) Clenbuterol (Taper 2 weeks on/off)
    20mg x2 days
    40mg x2 days
    60mg x2 days
    80mg x3 days
    40mg x3 days
    20mg x2 days

    4) T3 (Taper Twice)
    12.5mg x1 week
    25mg x1 week
    50mg x1 week
    25mg x1 week
    12.5mg x1 week

    5) Bromicriptine (1.25mg AM, 1.25mg PM)
    2.5mg ED x12 weeks

    6) Arimidex
    0.5mg EOD

    7) Vit B6
    600mg ED

    PCP (start 3 days after week 12 is completed)

    1) Clomid (75/50/50/50)
    75mg x1 week
    50mg x3 weeks

    2) Nolva (40/20/20/20)
    40mg x1 week
    20mg x3 weeks


    Thanks in advance for any advice given.
    You're 24 years old, don't run Tren. You'll love the look but you'll regret the sides. Run Test/Var, Test/Winny, Test/Mast if you want. Honestly, at your age I wouldn't run AAS I'd concentrate on the diet and workout. I've just read too many posts of young men lamenting of sexual dysfunction after cycling AAS.

  6. #6
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    I have to agree with the above bro!

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