Stats before cycle
Im 21 yo and been lifting since i was 14-15 yo.
my bench PR is 141kg/310lbs
Overhead press 90kg/198lbs
Squat 200kg/440lbs
bodyweight 88kg/194lbs morning weight
i didnt have any strenght at all becuse of the back injury below this, but it was my best lifts.
I had a lower back injury, that bascily makes me lose all my strenght, sex drive, energy, apetite and mood when its kinda bad, it fucks up my life kinda ^^ but im OK right now.
i had this injury back and fourth during the cycle also, it was pretty bad once but as im writing its okay, no pain at all as long as im careful.
Shoulders have been snapped up for a while too, works sometimes but useally not that good.
I have 1 week left of a 15 week cycle of the following
Testosterone Enanthe 250mg x 2 every week, a total of 500mg/week
Hcg 250Ui x 2, a total of 500UI every week taken the same time as the test. E.
0,25mg of Arimidex every other day, i dropped this after about 10 weeks and did 4 weeks without it, now im back on it the last week tho. ( i tell u why soon)
Okay so i havent been that super good with my diet and workout ethic to be honest, but i have keept a decent level of discipline.
So the posetive effects i have noticed is the following:
i have gained about 10kg and looks like the same bodyfat or lower, really happy with this, ppl tell me i got huge all the time and accuse me of steroids, im 98kg at mornings now. 12% bf or so.
(more gains then i expected)
my strenght has not increased at all basicly, only back and core have, The rest is alot weaker then i was as a natural, i bench like 100kg 5 times i did 16reps in my peak weighting 10kg then now.
i have not had any side effects at all exept for alot of sweating, really alot, when i do deadlift or squats sweat is dripping and my clothes are all soaked with sweat after pretty much everyworkout.
a bit better confidence? i think idk
no signs of gyno with or without arimidiex.
thats all good but what i find weird is that my motivation is pretty low, i dont really get any pump, i gain 0 strenght, i have lower sex drive then when i was natural (was quite high before) and i look kinda flat most of the time (not always)
These things really bother me and i wonder why this happends, i have no clue and there was no real big diffrens with arimidex or not.
im really disapointed with my low sex drive, i really looked foreward to destroy some females haha
is this normal?
please help if u know why i had this reaction and how to fix it
Thanks in advance!