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Thread: weird reaction to Testosterone E. ??? please help me understand this FIRST CYCLE!

  1. #1

    weird reaction to Testosterone E. ??? please help me understand this FIRST CYCLE!


    Stats before cycle
    Im 21 yo and been lifting since i was 14-15 yo.
    my bench PR is 141kg/310lbs
    Overhead press 90kg/198lbs
    Squat 200kg/440lbs
    bodyweight 88kg/194lbs morning weight

    i didnt have any strenght at all becuse of the back injury below this, but it was my best lifts.

    I had a lower back injury, that bascily makes me lose all my strenght, sex drive, energy, apetite and mood when its kinda bad, it fucks up my life kinda ^^ but im OK right now.
    i had this injury back and fourth during the cycle also, it was pretty bad once but as im writing its okay, no pain at all as long as im careful.
    Shoulders have been snapped up for a while too, works sometimes but useally not that good.

    I have 1 week left of a 15 week cycle of the following
    Testosterone Enanthe 250mg x 2 every week, a total of 500mg/week
    Hcg 250Ui x 2, a total of 500UI every week taken the same time as the test. E.
    0,25mg of Arimidex every other day, i dropped this after about 10 weeks and did 4 weeks without it, now im back on it the last week tho. ( i tell u why soon)

    Okay so i havent been that super good with my diet and workout ethic to be honest, but i have keept a decent level of discipline.

    So the posetive effects i have noticed is the following:

    i have gained about 10kg and looks like the same bodyfat or lower, really happy with this, ppl tell me i got huge all the time and accuse me of steroids, im 98kg at mornings now. 12% bf or so.
    (more gains then i expected)
    my strenght has not increased at all basicly, only back and core have, The rest is alot weaker then i was as a natural, i bench like 100kg 5 times i did 16reps in my peak weighting 10kg then now.
    i have not had any side effects at all exept for alot of sweating, really alot, when i do deadlift or squats sweat is dripping and my clothes are all soaked with sweat after pretty much everyworkout.
    a bit better confidence? i think idk
    no signs of gyno with or without arimidiex.

    thats all good but what i find weird is that my motivation is pretty low, i dont really get any pump, i gain 0 strenght, i have lower sex drive then when i was natural (was quite high before) and i look kinda flat most of the time (not always)

    These things really bother me and i wonder why this happends, i have no clue and there was no real big diffrens with arimidex or not.
    im really disapointed with my low sex drive, i really looked foreward to destroy some females haha
    is this normal?

    please help if u know why i had this reaction and how to fix it

    Thanks in advance!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Well blood work tells all bro do you know the dangers of cycling at your age? Without blood work it's a guessing game you could have under dosed gear who knows but something isn't right get blood wok done and post it.

  3. #3
    Thanks for reply.

    i have read all the good posts here on this forum and studied this kinda cycle for about 1 year. should i do blood work now or after my pct is done?

  4. #4
    btw i did a testosterone test before my cycle and it came out to be 21 Nmol/L and i did one again maybe 5 weeks in but sadly it just said " over 50Nmol/L" so sadly i dont know the real testosterone level i had in me.

  5. #5
    The adult male brain doesn't fully develop until about 25 years of age. We keep telling young men not to cycle because it could affect the full development of their bodies. The brain controls a TON of hormones in the body. I would say to end your cycle, wait 2 weeks and run a strong PCT. Then after 3 months get your blood work done.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02 View Post
    The adult male brain doesn't fully develop until about 25 years of age. We keep telling young men not to cycle because it could affect the full development of their bodies. The brain controls a TON of hormones in the body. I would say to end your cycle, wait 2 weeks and run a strong PCT. Then after 3 months get your blood work done.
    yah i know, but i had this problem before the test, and i dont feel bad or anything i just was suprised not to be horny af, but i only have a few days left on this cycle and then il do what u said, but do i really have to wait 3 months to get bloodwork done?
    i have noticed when my back hurts my sex drive drops like a mofo and alot of other things, i better check it upp too^^

    the reason i did it is becuse i have been lifting for 7-8 years and barely progress unless i dedicate my whole life too it and i think it would enhance my quality of life. i will only use test only cycles btw i dont expect to fuck me up beyond repair with only low dose test cycles.
    i dont regret it at all so far anyway

    thx for reply

  7. #7
    It takes a while for your body to get back to homeostasis. Just because you run PCT doesn't mean you're back to normal. You need to wait a while before you get blood work to make sure your body chemistry has stabilized. You can get blood work sooner but you don't know if your is still changing.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2016
    At least you gained some muscle. I'm also on my first cycle and all I have to show for it is a few pounds of water. Libido still low, energy levels still low, pumps at the gym still crap.

    Even though you've only got 1 week left I'd get the bloodwork done while still on gear. You'll learn what your test and estrogen levels are, that will help you with your next cycles. Libido is an intricate system that requires proper balance of many hormones, I wouldn't worry about it too much until you're done with PCT.

    Keep us updated on your bloodwork, PCT and how well you recover.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02 View Post
    It takes a while for your body to get back to homeostasis. Just because you run PCT doesn't mean you're back to normal. You need to wait a while before you get blood work to make sure your body chemistry has stabilized. You can get blood work sooner but you don't know if your is still changing.
    Thanks for reply bro! im well aware of that! maybe 3 months is good, atleast if i feel fine after PCT is done and all that.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by szabla View Post
    At least you gained some muscle. I'm also on my first cycle and all I have to show for it is a few pounds of water. Libido still low, energy levels still low, pumps at the gym still crap.

    Even though you've only got 1 week left I'd get the bloodwork done while still on gear. You'll learn what your test and estrogen levels are, that will help you with your next cycles. Libido is an intricate system that requires proper balance of many hormones, I wouldn't worry about it too much until you're done with PCT.

    Keep us updated on your bloodwork, PCT and how well you recover.
    Yah im really happy with the mass gains to be honest, i expected to gains 3kg lean muscle or so after pct but i feel like i gained almost all weight in muscle to be honest, migh just be what it looks like but im more vascular and same or lower bodyfat then before so^^ last girl i smashed said "fuck ur big" the first thing she said haha but im 89kg at mornings and 184cm so its kinda big i guess, even tho i dont feel super big.

    What cycle are u on? how was ur lbido before ur cycle?

    during my cycle i had both amazing pumps, high lbido and high motivation, it has been high af sometimes and low af sometimes.. most depening on how my back was to be honest.
    my lbidio isnt super bad tho i still think about smashing like all the time hehe, sometimes my lil man has been tierd tho and sometimes not

    i will keep this updated my pc will start in 15 days

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Unknown19990 View Post
    What cycle are u on? how was ur lbido before ur cycle?
    I'm on 500mg test enanthate just like you. My libido was pretty low before cycle and it's exactly the same now that I'm into week 9. Everything is pretty much the same, it's almost as if I wasn't taking anything. The gear is legit- I have 10x more test in my blood than I had pre-cycle but I don't feel any different. I don't know how it's possible and no-one wants to tell me

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by szabla View Post
    At least you gained some muscle. I'm also on my first cycle and all I have to show for it is a few pounds of water. Libido still low, energy levels still low, pumps at the gym still crap.

    Even though you've only got 1 week left I'd get the bloodwork done while still on gear. You'll learn what your test and estrogen levels are, that will help you with your next cycles. Libido is an intricate system that requires proper balance of many hormones, I wouldn't worry about it too much until you're done with PCT.

    Keep us updated on your bloodwork, PCT and how well you recover.
    There is nothing to be happy about here beacuse problems can pop up 10 yrs down the road.The Endo system isn't something to play with.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2016
    Where did I say anything about anyone being happy? And isn't playing with our endo systems something we all do here?

  14. #14
    "'m on 500mg test enanthate just like you. My libido was pretty low before cycle and it's exactly the same now that I'm into week 9. Everything is pretty much the same, it's almost as if I wasn't taking anything. The gear is legit- I have 10x more test in my blood than I had pre-cycle but I don't feel any different. I don't know how it's possible and no-one wants to tell me "

    I dont really feel much diffrent ether, i wouldnt notice any diffrence if i didnt know about it to be honest, exept that i grow alot faster. maybe its normal idk

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