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Thread: Tren cause toe pain?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Tren cause toe pain?

    7 weeks in a tren/mast/test cycle, and my middle toes started hurting about a week ago. I use to have that trouble back when I was eating bad and drinking beer every night. First thoughts was gout, but they don't have the redness. Eating very clean right now. Also taking a small amount of clen, to serve as a bronchodilator while on tren.

    And no, it's not from doing to much

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Never heard of such a thing.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by guitarzan View Post
    7 weeks in a tren/mast/test cycle, and my middle toes started hurting about a week ago. I use to have that trouble back when I was eating bad and drinking beer every night. First thoughts was gout, but they don't have the redness. Eating very clean right now. Also taking a small amount of clen, to serve as a bronchodilator while on tren.

    And no, it's not from doing to much
    Could be metatarsalgia and could easily appear with things hard on the joints, but that would be more like winny. Not familiar with tren/mast doing that. Get some good Spenco insoles and you can use NSAIDs and ice.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    If it did happen to be gout, I wonder if my increased intake of protein could be flaring it up. Guess if it continues I should go see doc

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by guitarzan View Post
    If it did happen to be gout, I wonder if my increased intake of protein could be flaring it up. Guess if it continues I should go see doc
    Would expect it to be red and hot, but who knows. Red meat more of a culprit than protein in general.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by trailrunaz View Post
    would expect it to be red and hot, but who knows. Red meat more of a culprit than protein in general.
    hey! Don"t mess with the red meat bro!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2017
    Home of the Braves
    Da gout?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Being doing some research, thinking gout. Kidneys have had a slight pain last few days, and gout supposedly can cause that. I'm eating a lot cleaner and stopped drinking beer, so I'm thinking it's the whey protein. Apparently taking too much can cause a flare up. Been drinking 150 grams a day (3x50). Need to get some blood work done anyway, guess I'll get them to check for uric acid too

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by guitarzan View Post
    Being doing some research, thinking gout. Kidneys have had a slight pain last few days, and gout supposedly can cause that. I'm eating a lot cleaner and stopped drinking beer, so I'm thinking it's the whey protein. Apparently taking too much can cause a flare up. Been drinking 150 grams a day (3x50). Need to get some blood work done anyway, guess I'll get them to check for uric acid too
    I've been experiencing somewhat the same symptoms lately, did more blood work and my Urate and Estrogen level are a bit high, and lately my bones has been cracking a lot. Gout can be the culprit, and I may be drinking too much Whey protein. High Urate level can mean many things but I narrowed it down and I am sure it's arthritis, because I did my chest workout today and my bones felt sort and made cracking sounds in my elbows and shoulders.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Gout is pretty unforgettable and hard to mistake. I had it once and it hurt like a son of a bich.
    Toe swelled up huge (big toe) and I mean hurt like it was being squeezed with pliers.
    Wife at the time thought it was an ingrown hair so she lanced it open. Big mistake, that hurt like two or three hells and a couple extra son of a biches.

    It went away by the time the incision healed but I changed my diet for a few weeks and it never returned. Blood levels revealed high uric acid.

    It was a wonderful time

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Oh she squeezed it too! I sat on the washing machine yelling.
    The uric acid creates a crystalline structure around your joint. Its like your toe locks up.
    Last edited by Obs; 07-28-2017 at 11:37 PM.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Obspowerstroke View Post
    Oh she squeezed it too! I sat on the washing machine yelling.
    The uric acid creates a crystalline structure around your joint. Its like your toe locks up.
    So what changes did you make to bring the Uric acid lower?

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    The only reason I don't think gout, is the toes aren't swollen and red

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by JoeyToronto View Post
    So what changes did you make to bring the Uric acid lower?
    No meat period for a couple weeks then very little for 2 more, then went back to normal diet

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by guitarzan View Post
    The only reason I don't think gout, is the toes aren't swollen and red
    I doubt it is gout then

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