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Thread: Hi

  1. #1


    I need professional help please, i am willing to pay.

  2. #2
    You from fraud?

  3. #3
    How do you know?

  4. #4
    I know things...
    This isn't even my real account btw, are you a trip? I might know your name..

    There is some good info on here, just don't go asking for a source, but if you are from the place I think you are you already have a source.

    What did you need help with?

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by NuthnButTest View Post
    I know things...
    This isn't even my real account btw, are you a trip? I might know your name..

    There is some good info on here, just don't go asking for a source, but if you are from the place I think you are you already have a source.

    What did you need help with?
    I need steroid advices man, also eating help and more. Can you help me bruh?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    This is some insider shit

    'For the greater good'

  7. #7
    What do you mean?? I need hekp.

  8. #8
    You're looking to troll aren't you?

    Don't come here to waste other peoples time...

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by NuthnButTest View Post
    You're looking to troll aren't you?

    Don't come here to waste other peoples time...
    What the hell are you talking about bro? I really do need help, im a beginner and want to learn more, im serious

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Hellotherenapi View Post
    What the hell are you talking about bro? I really do need help, im a beginner and want to learn more, im serious
    You haven't asked any questions
    You haven't mentioned anything about your age, years of training, if you have ran cycles before etc..
    You are wasting time or my tolerance for shitposters is going down....

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by NuthnButTest View Post
    You haven't asked any questions
    You haven't mentioned anything about your age, years of training, if you have ran cycles before etc..
    You are wasting time or my tolerance for shitposters is going down....
    Why are you so negative? I dont like your attitude at all, i haven't given any info because this is more complex than that, are you going to help me or justkeep calling my post shit?

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Hellotherenapi View Post
    Why are you so negative? I dont like your attitude at all, i haven't given any info because this is more complex than that, are you going to help me or justkeep calling my post shit?
    Bro if you want help post your questions and we will help you no charge!

  13. #13
    I thought that if i'll offer money, i will get better help.
    I really do need professional help.

  14. #14
    You don't know anyone here on the forum. The "pro" from whom you get help might be a scammer. The best way to help yourself is to become educated. It takes just a little bit of time and effort to get the basics of cycling AAS. Once you have the basics down, you ask questions in the open forum to cement your learning. There are a lot of knowledgeable people here, take advantage of them. Just a warning. If you post questions which obviously had no thought or research behind it, you'll probably be flamed.

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