The usual train of thought in bodybuilding has always been to get big first than cut down to your ideal size. In order to get big you must consume calories and lots of ‘em – you must get at least 1.5 x bodyweight in protein grams per day + lots of Carbs to grow.
Now here is my question and I know its been asked more than once on this board:
Can U grow mass while being on a High protein low calorie diet with a train schedule that encompasses at least 1 hr of cardio (Mid level – not intense) and a “juice program” that is traditionally considered for bulking cycles --- (ie D-ball, Test (Prop & Eth), Deca, EQ, and Fina).
I know the mass gains won’t be as dramatic, but I am beginning to wonder if the lean mass gains would be the same ?
Here is an example of a cycle that I was thinking of using for a High protien low-mid high calorie diet
35mg/day D-ball (wks 1-4)
1000mg Test Ethnate (wks 1-12)
600mg Deca (wks 1-12)
Then the Cut down (low calorie + high protien)
600mg EQ - (wks 1-12)
50mg Winny (wks 1-12)
100mg prop (wks 1-6)
100mg Fina (wks 7-12)