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Thread: Lean Bulk Cycle --- Mods, Vets and Those with experiance

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Ecko Now in Ontario

    Lean Bulk Cycle --- Mods, Vets and Those with experiance

    The usual train of thought in bodybuilding has always been to get big first than cut down to your ideal size. In order to get big you must consume calories and lots of ‘em – you must get at least 1.5 x bodyweight in protein grams per day + lots of Carbs to grow.

    Now here is my question and I know its been asked more than once on this board:

    Can U grow mass while being on a High protein low calorie diet with a train schedule that encompasses at least 1 hr of cardio (Mid level – not intense) and a “juice program” that is traditionally considered for bulking cycles --- (ie D-ball, Test (Prop & Eth), Deca, EQ, and Fina).

    I know the mass gains won’t be as dramatic, but I am beginning to wonder if the lean mass gains would be the same ?

    Here is an example of a cycle that I was thinking of using for a High protien low-mid high calorie diet

    35mg/day D-ball (wks 1-4)
    1000mg Test Ethnate (wks 1-12)
    600mg Deca (wks 1-12)

    Then the Cut down (low calorie + high protien)

    600mg EQ - (wks 1-12)
    50mg Winny (wks 1-12)
    100mg prop (wks 1-6)
    100mg Fina (wks 7-12)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    bro, the mass gains off of 1g test a week with 600 mgs of deca wil be more than substantial. you could theoretically combine the two cycles into one towards the same end, but personally i think two seperate cycles with a break in between will yield more lasting, quality gains.

    if you're considering just one, id think about:

    1-4 40 mgs Dbol ED
    1-14 Primo 400 mgs EW
    1-14 Test Enth 1g EW
    1-14 Tren Enth 500 mgs EW
    15-18 75 mgs Test Prop ED

    it's just an idea... you will probably want hcg at some point and of course anti-e's and post ancillaries on hand. good luck and god bless bro.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Ecko Now in Ontario
    Monster that looks like a great cycle .....

    I wanna BUMP this for more responses

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Ecko Now in Ontario
    Come on guys... I was expecting more input than this

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2003
    not too far from you
    Quote Originally Posted by ECKO 747
    Come on guys... I was expecting more input than this
    i like your second cycle post than the first one, but alittle revising.

    It seems you have had many cycles under your belt already, but I'm quite not sure. I did a profile on ya, and it didn't mention anything about how many cycles you have done, but does show you are a big boy.

    How about this.

    1-4 40 mgs Dbol ED

    Prop 100mg ed weeks 1-4 & weeks 11-15
    Enan 500mg/wk weeks 1-4
    Enan 750mg/wk weeks 5-11

    EQ 400mg/wk weeks 1-12

    Tren 75mg ed weeks 8-15

    cut the winny, b/c it may be too toxic on your liver and kidneys with tren and Dbol.
    Last edited by custom fit; 07-11-2003 at 02:02 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    the vast wasteland
    Quote Originally Posted by ECKO 747
    Monster that looks like a great cycle .....

    I wanna BUMP this for more responses

    thats because it is a great cycle.....

    keep in mind that when you try to bulk and cut together, its really a crap shoot as to how your body will respond. especially if you havent used some of the drugs mentioned above before.
    i tend to go the traditional route.....bulk then cut. and just for the record, i'm against this sort of practice, for this reason: most dont do it properly, and they end up sorely disappointed when all is said and done.

    if you feel you have the discipline for this bro, then give it all you have, and go about it the right way. gotta tell ya, this is tough road though......

    peace I4L

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