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Thread: Hello, need help

  1. #1

    Hello, need help

    Hi there my fellow bodybuilders, so, i have a lot of questions, and a lot to tell about myself, but first i want to say that i was being treated with steroids when i was a baby, i had aggressive asthma, and today im having some trouble breating in a middle of a workout, i'll tell you more soon, but first a little bit about myself.
    My name is napi, im from israel, im 24 years old, i weight 58kg and my height is 167cm.
    I just want to inform you, that 7 months ago i was 45kg.
    I started to eat better, and workout better.
    I have trouble working on my chest (push ups) it gets hard to breathe, and i read that proper use of steroids might help, i would really like to know what kind of steroids, and read your opinion about it.
    but thats not my main question, before i ask the main question, i need to tell you that i have low appetite, which means im pushing myself to eat, im forcing myself to swallow the food and i can take it, but i cant eat more, im earing about 3k calories a day, and thats nothing, i know i need to eat 3x than that, but i just cant, its easy to talk myself out and quit, but im keeping forcing myself to eat more and more, but still no more than 3k calories a day.
    I want to try steroids, my main goal is bulking, i want to get bigger and bigger and bigger, also to treat my asthma if possible, but my main goal is be bigger.
    Now, i read that steroids has a lot of negative side effects, which is not good at all, like acne, hair loss, even problem with emotions and sexual performances, if im going to try steroids, i dont want acne and i dont want it to hurt my genitals lol, i need something with minimum side effects and for bigger size, also if you think i shouldn't use at all, just write down your opinion, thank you so much for reading. Cheers.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Defiling Myself
    Diet and training. That's it. Nutrition is key. Please list what you eat that is 3k cal a day.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    I agree with the above you need a few yrs weight training before you cycle bro.

  4. #4
    But this is so much hard for me to eat, i will take your advice, but there isn't something out there to give me a nice push?
    Even just couple pills for the right push.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Capebuffalo View Post
    Diet and training. That's it. Nutrition is key. Please list what you eat that is 3k cal a day.
    I wake up, i fry 4 eggs, and a bread, with white beans and white/Bulgary cheese.
    2 hours later i eat 2 bananas or a rice plate.
    3 hours later i eat chicken salad/stake/liver (Basically a big piece of meat, and next to it some pasta or brown rice, also bbq sauce.
    And then i work out, after workout i drink my protein, and a tuna meal (small meal) (2 tuna cans).
    And at evening im treating myself with another workout and then my casein, and off to sleep.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Defiling Myself
    You're not close to 3000 cals. Head over to the nutrition section and ask for help. They will get you going.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2013
    No source checks
    You will have to grow into your meal plan. If you're eating 1500 Cal's now it will be hard to just double that with clean food. Learn how to eat and train, experience and research my friend

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Hellotherenapi View Post
    But this is so much hard for me to eat, i will take your advice, but there isn't something out there to give me a nice push?
    Even just couple pills for the right push.
    Listen to cape, go to diet section.

    now to the quote;
    man you sound like a junkie. Just a couple pills?
    this game does not work like that. Please fully understand you are altering your body chemistry.

    please, please, pretty please take a good year to read and learn, all the time while training and following good advice.
    we have good people here, listen to the vets, they will never do you wrong.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Mooseman33 View Post
    Listen to cape, go to diet section.

    now to the quote;
    man you sound like a junkie. Just a couple pills?
    this game does not work like that. Please fully understand you are altering your body chemistry.

    please, please, pretty please take a good year to read and learn, all the time while training and following good advice.
    we have good people here, listen to the vets, they will never do you wrong.
    I will, i will listen to the people here, thank you so much for the info, i'll go to the nutrition section and learn how to eat properly, hopefully i'll be as big as your profile photo.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2016
    If you really eat 3000 kcal that should be plenty for 58kg bodyweight. I weigh 92 kg, eat only around 3500 kcal and I'm still growing.

    And breathing problems is something you should really ask your doctor about, not bros on a forum.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Bro if you can't gain weight natty you won't with aas.DIET is 98% of getting big if you cycle now if you happen by chance to gain anything you will lose it very quick.

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