Hi there my fellow bodybuilders, so, i have a lot of questions, and a lot to tell about myself, but first i want to say that i was being treated with steroids when i was a baby, i had aggressive asthma, and today im having some trouble breating in a middle of a workout, i'll tell you more soon, but first a little bit about myself.
My name is napi, im from israel, im 24 years old, i weight 58kg and my height is 167cm.
I just want to inform you, that 7 months ago i was 45kg.
I started to eat better, and workout better.
I have trouble working on my chest (push ups) it gets hard to breathe, and i read that proper use of steroids might help, i would really like to know what kind of steroids, and read your opinion about it.
but thats not my main question, before i ask the main question, i need to tell you that i have low appetite, which means im pushing myself to eat, im forcing myself to swallow the food and i can take it, but i cant eat more, im earing about 3k calories a day, and thats nothing, i know i need to eat 3x than that, but i just cant, its easy to talk myself out and quit, but im keeping forcing myself to eat more and more, but still no more than 3k calories a day.
I want to try steroids, my main goal is bulking, i want to get bigger and bigger and bigger, also to treat my asthma if possible, but my main goal is be bigger.
Now, i read that steroids has a lot of negative side effects, which is not good at all, like acne, hair loss, even problem with emotions and sexual performances, if im going to try steroids, i dont want acne and i dont want it to hurt my genitals lol, i need something with minimum side effects and for bigger size, also if you think i shouldn't use at all, just write down your opinion, thank you so much for reading. Cheers.