So been lifting for 4 years. Currently on a cut (220 -> 180) and some steroids kinda fell into my lap (out of town buddy used to juice for a while)
I really dont want to take his advice on shit (I trust the guy but he is kinda wrong when it comes to actual science and shit on most things)
I have been researching it and I know all of the risks, diet, training etc. I take my gym stuff pretty serious
What I got in vial form is just
Testosterone 400mg
Equipoise 300mg
Trenbolone 100mg
Proviron 50mg (50 caps)
Anadrol-50mg (50 caps)
Dianabol- 50mg (50 caps)
Nolvadex 30mg (50 caps)
none of these have been opened or used before including the vials - just stuff my buddy had left over from his cycle. He told me I could go on a light cycle with the stuff provided
but I have been researching it ( I did not know shit about steroids) and it seems like that one vial of test is enough for just 1 week? let alone 10-12 (maybe I can do really light injections? is that even worth it?)
Could I build a cycle off the oral shit alone? Or is that not recommended for the first cycle. since most people just go test. I would not mind doing a REALLY LIGHT cycle if I could. I just kinda want to try the stuff out and see what it does to my body after a cut.