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Thread: AAS and dramatic weight loss

  1. #1

    AAS and dramatic weight loss

    I don't understand AAS as much as I thought I did. Some things abut me is I am new to AAS and I have trained for over 8 years, after adding in a straight test cycle at 200-225mg a week. I inject twice as well
    I have been losing a lot of weight as of starting this cycle, not eating enough?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    If you are losing weight, you are not eating enough dude.

    Post your daily diet here for a look............

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    You could be losing fat and you got bunk gear.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Baking chicken
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. Small View Post
    If you are losing weight, you are not eating enough dude.

    Post your daily diet here for a look............
    I'd go with this over anything - UNTIL YOU GET BLOODWORK STAING YIUR GEAR IS BUNK!

    If not your clearly not eating nearly enough - are you running just test now as well?? If so what are your AI doss, hCG twice a wk dosages, as well as your planned PCT???

    PS - your doses of test are from from supra physiological - at least run 500mgs to see what and how you respond obviously with BW!!!

  5. #5
    It can't be bunk/fake gear. I must not be eating enough or something. Also I'm on a cut so the weight loss is good, but I'm starting to see numbers go down really, really fast and not what I expected.

    The drop in weight happens a few days after injection, sounds like a stupid question but I'm probably just underestimating my calories.

  6. #6
    No your probably looking for your cut.

    If a diet is in check on juice, you'll burn fat like a German war machine.

    How's your lifts? Going upon bench, square, deads? Moving on to bigger dumbell for curls and extensions?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Why such a low dose of test?

    Are you running an AI? HCG?

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Baking chicken
    Quote Originally Posted by Back In Black View Post
    Why such a low dose of test?

    Are you running an AI? HCG?
    My main questions as well - hit he's in a big cal deficit I'd say he's almost running himself catabolic as his test seems at least underdosed but we can't say this without BW done....

  9. #9
    Not really interested in upping my dose right now, have been getting questionable information from online sources and what I'm being told I can't agree with them. Some younger guys tell me to just up the dose to 500mg, half a mg of dex and 500-850iu hcg a week

    The issue is these guys are telling me to never run blood work, they don't do it and being young enough blood work doesn't matter. I'm not comfortable with that decision and right now I'm fine with this dose, I do want to increase it but I want to learn and understand everything else that changes with adding in AAS. I have enough test for another 2 years, have some other compounds I can throw in, but this is about longevity for me and I'm still learning. My workouts have been shit lately, but that is mostly stress and outside forces which block my mind when I'm trying to lift, also I sleep like shit since starting this cycle

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    So no ai or HCG?

    Any PCT planned or have you decided to self medicate TRT?

    Did you read this?

  11. #11
    I have everything I need just don't know why I would need to add in an ai right now, I feel fine. Maybe need to get some blood work and go off of that instead of throwing in some dex. I have asin as well but from what I have heard I don't want to use the aromasin.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Well, good luck whatever it is you are doing.

    Aromasin or arimidex, not both.

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    No source checks
    Probably fake gear first thoughts

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    First thing you need to do is stop listening to the young guys. How come it "can't" be fake? You stated you have a lot to learn, you need to put blood work at the top of your list. In one statement you said your workouts are shit and you haven't slept good since starting the cycle, then you said you don't need a AI because you feel fine!

  15. #15
    you're playing a dangerous game running steroids without aromatase inhibitor

    If you're only running 200 mg a week exogenous supplying what your body would pretty much naturally make

    The basics are this 500 mg a week of test

    500 Iu of HCG a week

    at least a quarter mg of adex every other day and what work is Paramount

    The funny thing is you come here asking why you're losing so much weight but your cycle is going well and it's perfect due to the advice you're listening to other people very very interesting

    You want advice it's been given you just want someone to tell you that you're doing this right but you're not

  16. #16
    My natural production is quite low, kind of interesting you mention to run an AI no matter the type of dosage of test or other androgen. I'll have to look into it, so 0.25mg of arimidex e3d? Can I use dex at 0.25mg for some time and than transfer to aromasin at 12.5mgs? I have a lot of AI, test, and HCG but didn't buy just one kind.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    1st cycle and you are cutting and complaining about weightloss? Sorry bro you don't you build muscle on a cut and a cut on your 1st cycle is a waste.

  18. #18
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    No source checks
    Quote Originally Posted by dieoxwithout View Post
    My natural production is quite low, kind of interesting you mention to run an AI no matter the type of dosage of test or other androgen. I'll have to look into it, so 0.25mg of arimidex e3d? Can I use dex at 0.25mg for some time and than transfer to aromasin at 12.5mgs? I have a lot of AI, test, and HCG but didn't buy just one kind.
    When you introduce exogenous test doses an ai must be considered, I too once thought it didn't matter. Wrong. I have to take adex even on a mild trt dose of 180 mg per week

  19. #19

    No chance this is fake batch right?
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	IMAG0981.jpg 
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ID:	170135  

  20. #20
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    Your decision to take whatever compound is yours. However, requesting help exposes you to the opportunity to learn. It is the function of this board to provide you with info that will allow you to make good decisions.
    1) If it was me, and I had this question: I am losing to much weight while taking, very slightly above, a TRT dose of test.
    I would eat more as an experiment. If that solves it then you have a solution to your problem and problem.
    2) Your not running an aas dose. So, your not benefiting from an AAS cycle. However, you probably already know this and you're making the right decision for yourself.
    3) An AI is essential. And, if your taking test to lose weight then you may need the AI more than most. High body fat is associated with greater levels of conversion to estrogen.
    4) MOST IMPORTANTLY, GET THE DAMN BLOODWORK. Regardless of your weight loss issue.

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by dieoxwithout View Post

    No chance this is fake batch right?
    That's not testosterone.

  22. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by Quester View Post
    That's not testosterone.
    You're breaking my heart, I thought it was test e
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	1fe.png 
Views:	41 
Size:	59.4 KB 
ID:	170136  

  23. #23
    Join Date
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    Defiling Myself
    What are your stats?

  24. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by dieoxwithout View Post

    No chance this is fake batch right?
    I know your source from the Anastrozole.

    Thier ugl brand is bunk, they started sending terrapia-ranbaxy.

    The anas. Is good to go. Is your test from them as well?

  25. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by Couchlockd View Post
    I know your source from the Anastrozole.

    Thier ugl brand is bunk, they started sending terrapia-ranbaxy.

    The anas. Is good to go. Is your test from them as well?
    Nope, I would never buy test from them. I just ended up buying a bunch of PCT/AI stuff from various sources a while back. I have another source these days and this is a better one maybe, but I have a few different types of AI, and some UGL PCT/AI mix.

    I have a good amount of test on hand, some deca, var, win, might look into tren a but than again I shouldn't be running this type of gear just yet. First time taking an AI today so I want to see what happens. I have HCG but made a big mistake and bought the 10000 IU one and just now learned it might not work for me. I have no idea how to dose the HCG at 10000 iu per mil. Also ended up cutting the dex into 4 pieces and that is ridiclous small, might need to get a pill cutter or something.
    Last edited by dieoxwithout; 07-31-2017 at 08:49 PM.

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    You need to cut the hcg. Get a sterile vile and some bacteriostatic water. If you add 10 ml water it will give you 1,000 iu per ml, then you take .25 ml to get 250 iu

  27. #27
    Quote Originally Posted by guitarzan View Post
    You need to cut the hcg. Get a sterile vile and some bacteriostatic water. If you add 10 ml water it will give you 1,000 iu per ml, then you take .25 ml to get 250 iu
    Thanks, that is a bit easier than I though. I read through the hcg guides but wasn't really understanding the full picture of how to handle it.

    Just spoke to my source, looks like they have 5-1000ius waiting so I'll pick up a few more vials and some more AI. Never know when you might run out and not have the time to pick up a few more.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by dieoxwithout View Post
    You're breaking my heart, I thought it was test e
    Bro before you hurt yourself read or stickies seems you are lost right now but don't worry we were all there at one time.

  29. #29
    Quote Originally Posted by songdog View Post
    Bro before you hurt yourself read or stickies seems you are lost right now but don't worry we were all there at one time.
    Yea, I have been reading as much as I can. "Member on over 8 gear forums" My only concern with running gear is really just one thing that I have heard can be permanent. The fertility issues bother me a little bit, good news is I know people who have run gear, "test/deca" and have 2-3 kids even though after their cycles they ran drugs like cocaine, acid etc. Fertility really bothers me with TRT/ or b/c as some call it. That is a big concern, I know someone who for the past 6 months has been in pct and their sperm count is getting better but it is never a guarantee that you can be fertile even at a trt dose.

  30. #30
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    Fertility is a concern of mine as well. Agreed, there's no guarantee, just like everything else in medicine. So, I went to the fertility clinic and got tested before my first dose of test. YES, THEY HAVE GOOD PORN... The doc I met with to review my "sample" (it was cool to me that someone placed value on it...) said I was fine and that I shouldn't worry about TRT. I asked for clarification and he said that, not because of my "sample," but because that he doesn't view TRT as a concern. However, that's still not a 100% guarantee.
    I have concerns about a blast and cruise and maintaining fertility which, I didn't ask him about. Until, I know the answer to that, or the amount of decline % chance of successful fertility, I'm not comfortable moving higher than a TRT dose and then going back on a TRT dose.

  31. #31
    How is this for odd?

    Popped my first AI dosage at 0.25mg yesterday, feeling really good today. Things are either working great on TRT or my AI dosage is legit. Not even sure if arimedix works that fast

  32. #32
    Quote Originally Posted by dieoxwithout View Post
    Yea, I have been reading as much as I can. "Member on over 8 gear forums" My only concern with running gear is really just one thing that I have heard can be permanent. The fertility issues bother me a little bit, good news is I know people who have run gear, "test/deca" and have 2-3 kids even though after their cycles they ran drugs like cocaine, acid etc. Fertility really bothers me with TRT/ or b/c as some call it. That is a big concern, I know someone who for the past 6 months has been in pct and their sperm count is getting better but it is never a guarantee that you can be fertile even at a trt dose.
    That's 7 forums too many.

    All the other places give opinion masked as fact.

    Here you get facts, backed up by medical case files and research

  33. #33
    Quote Originally Posted by Couchlockd View Post
    That's 7 forums too many.

    All the other places give opinion masked as fact.

    Here you get facts, backed up by medical case files and research
    Not sure if I agree with that, have you seen the other steroid forums out there? Many don't allow source talk as well and they have some great communities out there. One thing I have learned about gear and health is many people have run gear before and just about any issues you might come up with you can find a place where someone can answer it since they have personal experience.

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by dieoxwithout View Post
    How is this for odd?

    Popped my first AI dosage at 0.25mg yesterday, feeling really good today. Things are either working great on TRT or my AI dosage is legit. Not even sure if arimedix works that fast
    This post violates the tone you've set in your other posts.

  35. #35
    Quote Originally Posted by Quester View Post
    This post violates the tone you've set in your other posts.
    Not sure what you mean by that but I'm feeling good.
    Must be the test kicking in

  36. #36
    Quote Originally Posted by Cuz View Post
    When you introduce exogenous test doses an ai must be considered, I too once thought it didn't matter. Wrong. I have to take adex even on a mild trt dose of 180 mg per week
    Considered but not always needed. I'm TRT from my doc and they check my blood monthly. Have not had levels that require an AI. I run 200mg/week.

    Everyone is different to a degree and there isn't a "one size fits all" but as everyone said you have to let the blood work do the talking.

  37. #37
    Quote Originally Posted by dieoxwithout View Post
    I don't understand AAS as much as I thought I did. Some things abut me is I am new to AAS and I have trained for over 8 years, after adding in a straight test cycle at 200-225mg a week. I inject twice as well
    I have been losing a lot of weight as of starting this cycle, not eating enough?
    here is what I don't understand....
    you are on a cut and losing weight and you don't know why?!?!

    calorie deficit = cut = losing weight

    Am I missing something???

    The only way possible to gain weight while on a calorie deficit is by gaining water weight.

  38. #38
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by The Deadlifting Dog View Post
    here is what I don't understand....
    you are on a cut and losing weight and you don't know why?!?!

    calorie deficit = cut = losing weight

    Am I missing something???

    The only way possible to gain weight while on a calorie deficit is by gaining water weight.
    Don't see what the problem is anyway.......he is on a diet and is losing weight.

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