I recently got my hands on a few DNP. I heard it burns fat quick.
Little iffy how to use it ? Can I stack it with hydroxycut ?
I recently got my hands on a few DNP. I heard it burns fat quick.
Little iffy how to use it ? Can I stack it with hydroxycut ?
I dont think that you know what DNP is..Do a search on DNP and read..It can be fatal if used incorrectly..IE: burn you from the inside out.
lol u definitely dont know what DNP is lol ! dnp is hard to use and i dont see why u would stack it with anything, it will kill u in a few days ??? i mean its been banend since 1940 and u need insulin injections for optimal results i hear! u need around 200 mg - 600 mg DNP ed, i dont think it is as good as they say! its not really good for cutting up cause it depletes glycogen and makes u looks fla, not hard, its good for burning off fat from people with high bf %. well i have never tried it but i know a few bros that have. the numebr one prob with DNP bro is that u need to take something like winny or testosterone propionate to prevent muscle loss. otherwise, u will get ripped, but u will be a stick (lose all ur muscle). i hope this helps !
Don't mess around with this stuff bro. Trust me. You need to really know how it works and how to use it or you could die. DNP is not a game
A guy i know used it for contest prep, I think a couple weeks out..along with GH and lost a lot of body fat, but he said that he swet day and night..and had to have a fan blowing on him at night. No fun.. ohh and any white sheets and white t-shirts will be stained yellow from the DNP too..
DNP is anticatabolic thus it doesn't burn ANY muscle. You don't need to run it with slin nor AAS. SOME people run it with some T3 to avoid a bounce back at the end of the cycle since at +200mg/ed day dose 10 days will suppress your tyroid production. Done at proper dosages and with the right sups it can work very well. You play dump and fuck around with it and yes, you can OD and die.
Read this:
then decide if it's for you or not.
Last edited by Cubanjuice; 07-15-2003 at 11:32 AM.
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