Hi, I was planning on blasting soon. My first blast. I'm on TRT for health reasons. However.... my blood pressure is 144 over 110.
Is this an issue?
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Hi, I was planning on blasting soon. My first blast. I'm on TRT for health reasons. However.... my blood pressure is 144 over 110.
Is this an issue?
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So I can't blast?
What do I need to get it down to?
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Youve only just started trt. Give it some time for your body to accept it as homeostasis without throwing more test at it.
If you blast now, at the end of it you will have been blasting for a similar amount of time as you were on trt. Let your body stabalise first. You have all the time in the world.
It's possible the trt has caused the high blood pressure, isn't it?
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Do you have any recorded blood pressure readings pre-trt?
That bottom number is high....
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IMO you need to get your blood pressure under control before you add anymore Test. It's only going to go higher. What are your stats, bf? Do you have your BP readings before TRT?
Your diastolic reading is high... you are definetly in the range of hypertention.
If you have improved your lifestyle and increased test then it might be to blame.
However if you are holding too much water or you are high bodyfat then rectifying these might sort out your issue
I been on tren a long time finally got mine down... averaging about 135/86....I cut out salt completely.....was using Tony's seasoning on everything...full of salt....you can do it....you will have to adjust your diet...salt is killer on bp imo
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Double post
What is your TRT protocol?
What are your testosterone numbers on TRT?
Test was 268. I take test e . 75mg x2 a week.
Done new blood tests. Awaiting results.
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Are you on bp meds? If so what and how much
No bp meds. Only other thing I take is citalopram. Been on that for years. I am slowly coming off it.
Can a high RBC cause high blood pressure?
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Are you overweight? What is your Bodyfat%?
Don't know my body fat yet but I am overweight. That said, I have lost 40 lbs in the last few months. So I was expecting my blood pressure to have improved. Thinner, stronger, loads more cardio, healthier diet, supplements. And I get that result.
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Estrogen out of wack causing water perhaps?
Ive been told 5 stalks of celery per day aids blood pressure. Unsure of how it actualy performs though
Expecting my results on Tuesday.
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Doesn't look good at all
What do you supplement with if anything to control the bp? Having high bp levels for long term is very bad for your health and should be managed, hopefully without drugs..
Have you donated blood before? Do you have blood work you go over every few months?
Hi. This is the first time my GP has ever been concerned with my bp so I'm not on meds for it. A few years ago I was a real mess. Drinking massively, no gym, very heavy and my bp was in an acceptable range. So it has to be the TRT. I have registered to donate blood and will be doing so very soon. It's very frustrating as I am in the best shape I've been in for some time. Personal bests on everything in the gym too....at 45.
I wonder is a diuretic would help. My ankles and feet are so swollen. Curious to see what my T and E levels are on Tuesday.
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IMHO- Do not blast until you have been on TRT for at least one year.
Start eating foods like asparagus and such for starters. They have minor diaretic properties but its something and They are very healthy.
you can try dandelion root to help remove excess water
TRT has caused this. So I have to quit TRT then?
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I can't really give medical advice but maybe changing your TRT dosage can help, it also sounds like you could have other issues.
Look into your diet and how you eat, maybe try apple cider vinegar and some other natural remedies for high bp, just getting off of TRT shouldn't be your focus, get the blood work and talk to a doc.
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