I'm currently on my first cycle..it's going well, strength has gone up, as has libido, no sides (yet) put on 3.5 kilos and lost fat (mirror judgement)
300mg Test E...Monday
200mg Mast E...Monday
300mg Test E...Thursday
200mg Mast E...Thursday
and now 500iu of HCG every Monday, as it was out of stock..
Arimidex 0.25mg every other day...currently just over 4.5 weeks into a 10 week cycle, i have Nolva, Clomid, Letro here for PCT (not going to use all for PCT)
I also have these for a second cycle, some were free gifts for writing a review on Eroids, others were a welcome gift or purchased for usage
* Deca; NANDROLONE DECAONATE 300mg/ml x1
* Sustanon; TEST PROP 30mg, TEST ISO 60mg, TEST PHENYL PROP 60mg, TEST DEC 100mg (250mg TOTAL) x2
* Big ’n’ Full; BOLDENONE UNDECYLENATE 200mg, TEST BLEND 400mg, TOTAL: 600mg x1
* Equi-Max; BOLDENONE UNDECYLENATE 500mg/ml x1
* Med-Ment (Trestolone); TRESTOLONE ACETATE 50mg x1
* Turinabol 50mg x50
*all vials are 10ml
What would be a good 2nd cycle...?? Sustanon as a base, but what way or what to use for the other compounds??
Thanks alot:yesway: