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hey guys, I'm in week 5 of a 16 week test/eq cycle and tracking information says my hcg is finally going to arrive tomorrow.
I ordered 2 box of oraganon pregnyl 5000 iu and am wondering what kind of protocol I should start with. I started this cycle because I was borderline low t for my age and my doctor said that it was in range and perfectly normal despite a 400 total t. He didn't order much bloodwork and was kind of annoyed by me wondering about my t levels at my age. I'm 28 btw. So not feeling good/myself, I ordered some gear from my local guy. Some solberg cypionate, and EQ. I have ran cycles a few years back with no hcg and barely a pct, I know stupid, but here we are. So please only useful advice. Should I be more aggressive with the hcg since I'm sure I have some testicular atrophy built up and then cut back or what. I have gathered that 500iu a week is pretty standard but also kind of low end maybe... so any advice would be great.
weeks 1-16 400mg test cypionate monday morning, thursday evening
weeks 1-16 500mg Eq monday morning, thursday evening
I have 1 mg arimidex tabs on hand as well as a 4 week nolva and clomid pct but am prob going to add to that and run a power pct for 6 weeks. I have not been using the dex yet, I've also read that the HCG could or could not spike E2 so maybe throw in 0.25 mg 2-3 times per week?
Alright guys, what ya got for me?