I apologize in advance if my questions have been asked and ansewered already, but I have not been able to find direct answers in any of the educational threads.
Although I have been reading this site fairly extensively over the last couple of months, today I finally registered. After countless hours scouring the web for as much information as possible, this site undoubtedly hosts the most. Thank you.
I am admittedly a novice, so much so that when I first began my research I almost paid for a source list online. Considering myself a slightly intelligent adult, I pondered that concept for a couple of minutes and quickly realized—for obvious reasons—that a source list is probably the worst idea ever.
I believe that I am ready for my first ever cycle, and I plan on including HGH. My stack will most likely be Deca, Test. Cypionate, and HGH. I lift in a gym that is located in, and run by the company that I work for. It is a first rate facility, but not exactly the best place to uncover a source without unwanted rumors infiltrating my professional life. I have decided on Deca and Test. mostly because my current “friend-of-a-friend” source alleges he can get them.
I want the HGH so that I can reduce my body fat, and keep as much of my gains as possible. I have been lifting seriously for over a year, but I have always been fat--ALWAYS. I am 6’0” and 200lbs, with an astronomical body fat % of 20.5%. I lost quite a bit of weight in the last couple of years (50-60 lbs.) but feel that a good portion of that was muscle. I would like to get down to 10-12% but don’t want to sacrifice any muscle mass. I don’t seem to be that genetically gifted.
In researching HGH, I have come across many websites that claim to be able to legitimately ship HGH from Mexico to the US without any problems. They even go as far as claiming that HGH can be legally brought over the border without a prescription from Mexico. Some obscure and relatively vague reference to a page on the US Customs site is often listed.
1. It sounds too good to be true, so I am curious whether any one has heard about the legality of bringing HGH over the border?
2. Also, is there any information on the legitimacy of the online services that offer shipping of HGH from Mexico, along with a Doctor’s prescription from a Mexican Doctor? I saw a site called www.Cantpostthis.com but am pretty skeptical, especially considering the fact that they routinely misspell manufacturer names, and don’t answer any of the questions I have submitted.
3. Lastly, in some of the educational threads and posts there are questions about bringing gear over the border. Most of the responses by mods indicate that the best way is to avoid the risk of physically bringing anything across the border, by mailing it to yourself. Theoretically, what is the best method to do that? Post Office? UPS? FEDEX?
Again, I am a beginner, so I apologize if I have made any culture faux pas, and look forward to seeing some responses. I have checked the educational threads and did not see any answers to the questions that I have asked, but apologize if I have missed something.
Thanks cycle for the awesome article on HGH.