Originally Posted by
I like TBOL and would mix it with most anything, just not with other orals.
(Well, actually i even so that, like 25mg drol, 20mg TBOL plus test, as feel that works good and doesn't give the sides a higher dose of drol would,
but that's really another thing altogether)
100x10mg won't do you much, but I find that small doses of orals with test and other injectables work really great.
BUT, I'm a TRT, uh, well, blast/cruise idiot, so that changes things really.
For me, adding in 20mg TBOL for 50 days IS a viable option,
though that's really not something I'd recommend anyone doing cycles.
I'm content with the lowest possible dose (but for longer times) than what someone who's still got their endocrine system in check would do.
So, as far as cycles, I'd say get some more tabs,