Yo guys, I've sort of been lurker on this forum and a couple others for several years now. I made an account a few years ago when I was 18 but it was an old high school email so I can't even recover the info. I was hoping to receive some advices (hehe) on this cycle that I will be starting next month because it will be my most complex one yet. This might be a long post so please bear with me haha
Training: 8 years. I started lifting my first freshman year of high school and I've been consistent ever since, its my life.
Sports: I ran track and did swimming for most of my life, but now I am dedicating myself fully to bodybuilding.
Height: 5'6
Weight: Varies a lot ofc. Right now I'm at 162. Highest I've been was 178. Weight has never really been a primary concern of mine.
Bodyfat: Easily under 10%, If I had to guess I would say 8%. Ive been a lean mofo my whole life even on dbol,test, and natty bulks. (I'll be posting pics before I start the cycle because I plan on logging it.)
Previous Cycle Experience:
1st: Dbol only no Pct. I did this when I was 16 if I remember correctly. A couple of my friends on the football team started hoping on gear in the hopes of going D1 (MANY DID) and I always lifted with them so I just joined in on the festivities. I wouldn't do any injectables because I was King Bitch but I did do 8 weeks of dbol (yeah you read that correctly) and I got strong and big as an ox. I don't remember the doses tho tbh
2nd: Var only when I was 17. Yeah I know, I was young, dumb, and I had access. I got shredded af.
3rd: much more planned out Test E (500mg) Weeks 1-12 and Dbol Weeks 1-4 30mg PCT was climid for 21 days I can't remember the dosing scheme tho I was 19
4th: I was 21. This cycle kind of got fucked. It w as supposed to be dbol weeks 1-4 at 60mg and Test E weeks 1-12 at 600mg. Everything was going well until Weeks 10 when I got suspended from college from college for reasons and when I was home my mom kicked me out of the apartment. My PCT along with the last two weeks of test was in that apartment. So, I had to stay with an uncle with no money, no gym membership, no test, and no PCT or 2.5 months. As you can imagine my body went to absolute shit. (This was earlier this year)
Now here I am and I'm about to return to school. As I said earlier, I am completely dedicating myself to bodybuilding and I want to reach 195 by January. For now, my next cycle will go as follows:
Test E: 600mg Split into 2 pins twice per week for weeks 1-13
Deca: 400mg: Split into 2 pins twice per week for weeks 1-11
Eq:500mg: 1 pin once per week 1-11 (mainly for appetite because I've always had trouble eating)
Dbol: 30mg Weeks 1-4
Anadrol: 50mg Weeks 1-4
Aromasin: 12.5mg eod throughout
PCT: Clomid Weeks 16-20 100/50/50/50
Training and Diet are spot on if you want more details feel free to ask. I guess my main questions would be: Are the dosages and lengths good? Is caber or prami really necessary because I'm having trouble finding these? Should I add nova to my pct as well?
Thanks for any help bros