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Thread: anyone ever wonder how they'll look back on this era in ten or twenty years?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    12,000 feet above it all

    anyone ever wonder how they'll look back on this era in ten or twenty years?

    In much the same way that regulars must routinely dissuade less experienced members from utilizing the late 80's method of pyramiding doses, do any of you ever wonder how the AR members of the year 2013 or 2023 will look back and talk about this era? I'm sure many of us will still be here (even Johnny B, though he'll be on Good Morning America and such for cracking the 100 year mark if my math is correct), but I'm just as certain philosophies will change regarding AAS use. I'm certain the builders of the 80's and early 90's weren't intentionally going about their cycles in a less than optimal way (nor do we believe we are). Do you think they'll look back and wonder how we got by on such "low" doses during the early 21st century, or might they look back and remember us as the time period in which doses got out of hand? Of course, it's just as likely that sources will carry LEGIT and actual myostatin inhibitors, and some of the vets of 2020 will tell all the newbies about how we used to have to inject actual hormones with a sharp needle as opposed to undergoing gene therapy of a sort. I don't know, something to think about at 2:00 am i guess.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Shouldn't this be in the AR lounge?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    It is an interesting question. I think that AAS use has reached a plateau of sorts for now. With the advent of the Internet, so much more information is available now than there was even 10 years ago. Experienced users compare results with other experienced users who compare their results with other experienced users, etc. Eventually there is going to be a happy medium found, which I think is the cycles you see posted on here every day. Most of them only differ in the cocktail mixture the user prefers.
    The only thing that seems outdated to me is just what you said, the way they're administered. Needles do seem a bit 1980ish. Maybe in the near future a new and more effective way of administration will be discovered. By the way, it's way too late (or early) to be discussing AAS philosophies.

  4. #4
    LORDBLiTZ Guest
    I'm thinking in the next 50 to 60 years the doctors will be growing me a new body in a lab and swap my brain into it. I'll order the body with 25 inch gunz and a 2 foot long cock.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    that biojector looks sweet...if it was under 99 bucks i would definitely buy one, however im sure it is a few hundred.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    I think it's only used for water based products.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    Stuck under 135lbs. on th
    Quote Originally Posted by BigGreen
    Do you think they'll look back and wonder how we got by on such "low" doses during the early 21st century, or might they look back and remember us as the time period in which doses got out of hand?

    My gut feeling is not so much that we are letting our doses get out of hand, it's more that the gear we are getting these days is not as good of quality (ie it's underdosed) as the stuff from the '80s. In the latest MD Dennis Newman even makes the comment that his body doesn't respond the same way to the new Mex Vet gear as it did to the European stuff from the '80s. The simple fact of the matter is that anyone with a few resources could produce low grade gear, package it in professional looking bottles and boxes, start up an internet site that claims to show the "tested" results of mg/ml of your product, and make a shit load of money. I have noticed too many underdosed products lately. I have yet to get them tested myself, but I am more than willing to get them tested once I find out where and how. I have put several people on cycles with products like QV Prop, Denkall Anadrol, QV Deca, QV EQ, QV Enanthate, etc, and their results have been underwhelming to say the least. Let me just put it this way, I personally gained as much or more off of 400mg/week of legit Primobolan and 50mg/eod of legit Winstrol 4 years ago, as I did recently off of 1250/week of Redstar Sus Dry, 500mg/week EQ (Ultragan), and 2 Denkall 75mg Anadrol/day. Now, granted my bodyweight is more now than it was then, but I really have a hard time seeing how I can only gain about 11 pounds off of a "supposed" 2800mg/week of androgens and anabolics if they were legit. As Dennis Newman said, the shit today just ain't like it used to be!


  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2002
    I think I am a lifer when in comes to injecting synthetic hormones into my body. I've never used growth... I'm actually waiting until I'm in my fifties... I mean look at Bill Pearl (not the reason I'm waiting)... looks younger than Arnold....

    I will look back and realize the machine I've built is the best it can be, with what tools were provided.

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