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Thread: Liquid Testosterone

  1. #1

    Liquid Testosterone

    So i have a noob question idk if it exists, but is there such thing as liquid testosterone or is inejecting the only way you can use it on a cycle. Going to take a clen/t3 cycle but wanted to take test with it. So if there is a liquid one where it can go in the mouth lemme know!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Yes but at 20 it isn't worth the risk. Neither is taking T3 without it. And Clen is a horrible drug.

    Can you post a pic of yourself so we can aid you with some diet advice.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Land of the screwed
    Liquid testosterone?
    Yes it's all liquid in oils.
    But if you're talking oral test I guess you mean Andriol caps,
    Contains 40mg test undecanoate in oil.
    If there's a UGL version I'd guess it could come as just an oil (without capsules) of testosterone undecanoate.
    It's very poorly absorbed.
    Don't go that route.

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by DocToxin8 View Post
    Liquid testosterone?
    Yes it's all liquid in oils.
    But if you're talking oral test I guess you mean Andriol caps,
    Contains 40mg test undecanoate in oil.
    If there's a UGL version I'd guess it could come as just an oil (without capsules) of testosterone undecanoate.
    It's very poorly absorbed.
    Don't go that route.

    yeah oral thats what i mean haha

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by Back In Black View Post
    Yes but at 20 it isn't worth the risk. Neither is taking T3 without it. And Clen is a horrible drug.

    Can you post a pic of yourself so we can aid you with some diet advice.
    at 20? my age? im 25 hahah im currently working on a diet rn just wanted to see what i can get going with this

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    20 is the age in your profile

  7. #7
    I've said it before and I'll say it again...
    unless you are already on TRT
    unless you are getting ready for a competition...
    using steroids to cut is stupid.

    Why take a chance on wrecking your HPTA to do what you can do naturally?

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by thenamesej View Post
    So i have a noob question idk if it exists, but is there such thing as liquid testosterone or is inejecting the only way you can use it on a cycle. Going to take a clen/t3 cycle but wanted to take test with it. So if there is a liquid one where it can go in the mouth lemme know!
    Most oral versions either just don't work at all, period,,, or just don't work well (ANDRIOL).

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