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Thread: Running a blast while on TRT

  1. #1
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    Running a blast while on TRT

    Currently on 150mg test cyp TRT per week with HCG. Keeps my levels good and don't have any sides, run adex .5mg every other week. Looking to run a three month blast with the goal of some overall strength gains while maintaining same level of endurance. I'm debating on running more test alongside the Cyp. Thinking about bumping the Test Cyp up to 200mg/week and adding in Sust at 300mg/week. Splitting up the Sust into 2x/week at 150mg. Total of 500mg/week.

    I've been also looking at going the Tren/EQ route on top of that but don't have the doses dialed in yet and wanted to input first. I know for sure if I throw in the Tren/EQ I would like to stay around 800-1000 per week. I would bump of adex through cycle as needed. I would taper off the Tren after week 6 and run the EQ up through week 10. Then lose the extra test and slowly taper back down to 150mg Cyp. HCG will be used as PCT
    Last edited by 0331FTW; 08-25-2017 at 01:08 PM.

  2. #2
    Just bump up your Test Cyp to 500mg/wk or 600mg/wk and hold it there for 12 weeks. Test is Test so there's no need to start mixing esters.

  3. #3
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Quote Originally Posted by 0331FTW View Post
    Currently on 150mg test cyp TRT per week with HCG. Keeps my levels good and don't have any sides, run adex .5mg every other week. Looking to run a three month blast with the goal of some overall strength gains while maintaining same level of endurance. I'm debating on running more test alongside the Cyp. Thinking about bumping the Test Cyp up to 200mg/week and adding in Sust at 300mg/week. Splitting up the Sust into 2x/week at 150mg. Total of 500mg/week.

    I've been also looking at going the Tren/EQ route on top of that but don't have the doses dialed in yet and wanted to input first. I know for sure if I throw in the Tren/EQ I would like to stay around 800-1000 per week. I would bump of adex through cycle as needed. I would taper off the Tren after week 6 and run the EQ up through week 10. Then lose the extra test and slowly taper back down to 150mg Cyp. HCG will be used as PCT

    My question regards what I highlighted. What's the point of .5mgs EOW? It serves no purpose dosing this way. Adex has a half life of less than 50 hrs. If injecting once per week you may be able to get by dosing the day of injection and maybe a few days later as toward the end of the week you may not need the AI, but only BW will reveal that.
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  4. #4
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    For now that's all I've been using. I don't even think I need the adex right now since I'm just cruising with TRT and HCG. I will definitely up the adex dose if I run some more test. I was planning on getting off the HCG while doing the blast and get back on it when I'm back to my normal TRT dose. As far as the adex I will go back to 1mg per week and can split that up into .5mg 2x/week.

  5. #5
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    On the week you are not taking adex why don't you pull some BW the day after injection and check your TT, FT and E2 Sensitive. Then you'll know where you're at during your peak and whether you need it or not. There's no reason to come off HCG when on a blast.
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  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    On the week you are not taking adex why don't you pull some BW the day after injection and check your TT, FT and E2 Sensitive. Then you'll know where you're at during your peak and whether you need it or not. There's no reason to come off HCG when on a blast.
    Last time I got levels checked it was six days after shot, where I didn't take the adex. TT was around 700, FT was at 190 and E at 20. When I was consistent with .5 adex/week last year I got labs done and my E was close to being in the negatives. Right now my TRT dose is at 150mg/week. HCG 3x/week 250 IU. I get my labs done every six months so I can check the day after shot day next time but usually the T levels are through the roof and the doc doesn't like to see that so he has me check on Day 5-6

  7. #7
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    So pull some of your own via private md labs or discounted labs if you can. Surprisingly inexpensive.
    E at 20. Standard estradiol or a sensitive assay?
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  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    So pull some of your own via private md labs or discounted labs if you can. Surprisingly inexpensive.
    E at 20. Standard estradiol or a sensitive assay?
    Estradiol. I'll look into getting my own labs done. How high should estradiol be right after injection as compared to later in the week where it should be down?

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScotchGuard02 View Post
    Just bump up your Test Cyp to 500mg/wk or 600mg/wk and hold it there for 12 weeks. Test is Test so there's no need to start mixing esters.
    I'll just go this route when I get my adex dosing squared away. Shooting for 500mg/week

  10. #10
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Quote Originally Posted by 0331FTW View Post
    Estradiol. I'll look into getting my own labs done. How high should estradiol be right after injection as compared to later in the week where it should be down?
    Well test peaks in about 24 hrs or so (metabolism dependent) so estrogen will rise in correlation to test. Here's a graph I frequently use to give guys a visual of how test peaks:

    The pic is based on once per week injections which will not be done on a cycle as the protocol will normally be twice weekly for long esters. That said, your E2 will remain higher since there are sustained higher levels with less valleys. Remember to get the Sensitive Assay. About $40 I believe and worth every penny.
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  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Sounds good. Thanks for the help

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