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Currently on 150mg test cyp TRT per week with HCG. Keeps my levels good and don't have any sides, run adex .5mg every other week. Looking to run a three month blast with the goal of some overall strength gains while maintaining same level of endurance. I'm debating on running more test alongside the Cyp. Thinking about bumping the Test Cyp up to 200mg/week and adding in Sust at 300mg/week. Splitting up the Sust into 2x/week at 150mg. Total of 500mg/week.
I've been also looking at going the Tren/EQ route on top of that but don't have the doses dialed in yet and wanted to input first. I know for sure if I throw in the Tren/EQ I would like to stay around 800-1000 per week. I would bump of adex through cycle as needed. I would taper off the Tren after week 6 and run the EQ up through week 10. Then lose the extra test and slowly taper back down to 150mg Cyp. HCG will be used as PCT