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Hi everyone
I am opening this thread to talk about the cycle I am running right now because something is not going ver well.
I am struggling to understand what is going on and why my libido has crashed so badly.
I am currently running
Test P + Tren A - 100mg each Eod
Dbol 50 mg ED
Also adex ed( which i never used on my previous cycles always been using Aromasin without problem )
My goal is to cut and keep lean mass at least therefore my diet it is not very high in calories, I think is just about the maintenance.
Now in 2 weeks time what I have noticed is that definitely my body fat has gone down and my body weight is exactly the same.
However this cycle is giving me lots of sides already and I am looking for solutions.
During the first week everything was alright, since problem started to appear.
this is a list of sides I am experiencing:
-flu symptoms (those actually have gone already but I was feeling like having a man flu without the loss of strength or fatigue )
- cough attacks ( randomly not only after the jab)
-facial acne ( I am acne prone but usually it affects me on the back and chest)
- itchy scalp, very bad scalp
- loss of libido
- loss of appetite
-depression ( i have lost interest in working out, doing stuff in general but I am pushing myself and training at least 4-5 days a week and I have kept my diet in check never had anything outside my diet plan, but I don't have desire to anything since I have got no appetite)
- high bp
also I do NOT feel bloated I do not have moon face. I don't have any gyno symptoms either.
When I was on Test E only and aromasin I was feeling great in any way. This cycle so far it has been horrible.
My idea is that my estrogens are raised but I am not sure about it.
What do you think is happening according to my symptoms?
I have decide to lower the tren to 75mg eod and I have started my aromasin yesterday at 12.5 mg ED.
hopefully is E2 related problem.
Another advice I desperately need to ask you guys is
In the meantime how can I keep the gf happy?
This is very important to me.. it is not just selfishness I really like her...
Cialis? Viagra, Poviron?
thank you guys any advice will be appreciated