Just finished a test and tren cycle. I despise pct time. I felt so good during the entire cycle. Even felt great on the tren. Don't know what the fuss is about. My mood was great. Tren had me so energized. I was able to enjoy activities all summer with my family. It was great. I always feel like complete garbage for 4 to 6 weeks after a cycle. And yes I'm on clomid and nolva.
What would happen if I just stay on cycle and never come off? I'm talking test and tren. Maybe not as high doses as I was on. I was doing 500 test and about 250 tren per week. I know that I would never be able to make natural test again. Is there anything else bad about it? I'm 42 years old now. I figure I'll be on trt in a few years anyway.