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Thread: Ostarin during pct & off cycle?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2016
    NC USA

    Ostarin during pct & off cycle?

    My friend told me that ostarin during pct and while off cycle will help keep gains obtained while on cycle. He told me it is not suppressive at all. I bought some but after doing some research I see that ostarin is still a little bit suppressive. My thought is that during pct I don't want anything at all suppressive so that my natural test will come back. Do you guys suggest taking ostarin? Have any of you taken it during pct and did it hinder your natural test from restarting? If any of you have taken it after a cycle, was it successful in keeping gains made while on cycle?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Very interesting. Ive never heard of this SARM but id like to know what the pros on here say. Im gonna bet that most will vote against it. If this was some magic product to keep gains during pct without a drawback, im sure we would know alot more about it.

  3. #3
    I absolutely love Ostarine. I'll run it in any phase for as long as I want with no noticeable sides on either end, just hardness and strength. I don't recommend this approach, I just say it to prove my faith that as long as it's real Osta, it's pretty safe. Stick with your pct and don't go above 10-15 mg a day. You'll be fine.

  4. #4
    I have run through two bottles of this. But I've never run a real cycle with gear so I can't say how it would help with PCT, but I've thought of using it for PCT after my first cycle of Test C that I'm working up to right now. Like you, I noticed zero sides, and all positives from it. Leaned out, more veins, and just seemed more hard.

  5. #5
    I've run osterine during and off cycle, hard to say where it shines most but I personally think it can be a nice bridge between cycles. It is suppressive, I'm on TRT so that's not a huge problem for me.

    If you don't want to be TRT for the rest of your life, cycle wisely. All in all I like the compound.

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