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Thread: My First Cycle - Is my gear Legit?

  1. #1

    My First Cycle - Is my gear Legit?

    Hey guys,

    I decided a couple months ago to start my first cycle for a number of reasons that I don't want to focus too much on here.
    The main thing I wanted to get out of this post is to maybe figure out if my gear is legit and also get a sense of how you guys felt throughout your first cycles.

    Where I am now: 5th Week
    Results thus far: Overall I would say I feel just ok about the cycle which is why I made this post.
    I feel a little bit more aggressive, I've put on maybe 8lbs of weight (probably mostly water - and increased cal) and my lifts have gone up. However, this is not really the results I was expecting. From what I read online, especially about D-Bol, the gains and results seem insane; with some people gaining up to 20-25lbs.

    Additionally, I cant say that I feel all that different during the day walking around. My libido seems about the same which is concerning and frankly I don't feel much different than when off it.

    Would like to hear people's thoughts: is my stuff fake/underdosed, should I give it more time, is this just a beginner cycle and to be expected.

    Stack Details:
    10wk 600mg Test-E
    5wk 40mg D-Bol (Started week 3 - was waiting for shipment)

    Gym Stats Start:
    Weight: 190
    Bench: 205
    Dead: 345
    Squat: 345

    Weight: 198
    Bench: 225 x 3
    Dead: 385
    Squat: 365

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    How tall are you and wat is your bf%

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Are you using an AI and HCG? Test e comes on pretty slow. By week 5 you should be feeling pretty good and increasing from here on out. If your max bench went from 205x1 to 225x3 then id say its working. Also if you dont eat you wont gain no matter what gear you have. This is your first cycle you should be eating everything in sight and growing like a weed. I wouldnt have reccomended the dbol because you threw a wrench in things. How do we know if you got bunk test and good dbol? Or vice versa? We need more stats, diet, and your progress for the next few weeks

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Also 10 weeks is a little short for test e. Go to 12 weeks. Some of the other guys on here might say to drop the dbol

  5. #5
    I'll keep you guys updated. I'm 6 ft flat and probably around 12-14%bf at this point.
    Octaneforce, I see what you mean about throwing in the other compound, I guess I just got a little impatient is all.

    I'm on arimidex, I take 1/2 a mg every couple days or so or when I start to feel bloated, but so far side-effects have been low to non-existent.
    I can try to go another couple weeks and see if it helps.

    I had a really solid bench day couple days ago, actually went in and hit a single of 215 incline bench which was out of no-where so we'll see how the rest goes.
    My one concern is my libido has seemed pretty level.

    In terms of diet, I'm eating probably 2700-3200 depending on the day.
    I'll keep you guys posted

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