Hey guys,
I decided a couple months ago to start my first cycle for a number of reasons that I don't want to focus too much on here.
The main thing I wanted to get out of this post is to maybe figure out if my gear is legit and also get a sense of how you guys felt throughout your first cycles.
Where I am now: 5th Week
Results thus far: Overall I would say I feel just ok about the cycle which is why I made this post.
I feel a little bit more aggressive, I've put on maybe 8lbs of weight (probably mostly water - and increased cal) and my lifts have gone up. However, this is not really the results I was expecting. From what I read online, especially about D-Bol, the gains and results seem insane; with some people gaining up to 20-25lbs.
Additionally, I cant say that I feel all that different during the day walking around. My libido seems about the same which is concerning and frankly I don't feel much different than when off it.
Would like to hear people's thoughts: is my stuff fake/underdosed, should I give it more time, is this just a beginner cycle and to be expected.
Stack Details:
10wk 600mg Test-E
5wk 40mg D-Bol (Started week 3 - was waiting for shipment)
Gym Stats Start:
Weight: 190
Bench: 205
Dead: 345
Squat: 345
Weight: 198
Bench: 225 x 3
Dead: 385
Squat: 365