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Thread: 18 Y/o - First Cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2017

    Lightbulb 18 Y/o - First Cycle

    Hello guys hows it going,

    I'm a new member here just joined recently, and planning to start my first cycle very soon. I'm aware that I'm to young and will do damage to myself, I am fully aware of the consequences of shutting down natural test before its developed, but i have considered this and have made my decision and would like assistance in doing it correctly, rather than being told I'm too young as if I'm not already aware of that.

    From my knowledge, a first cycle is best consisted of Testosterone only for 8-12 weeks, and i plan to do
    400mg PW of testosterone enanthate for 12 weeks. I am simply going to list everything i will be using on cycle and for PCT and would like you guys to check it and make sure everything is okay.

    Week 1-12:
    Testosterone Enanthate 400mg/week
    Arimidex 0.5mg EOD (will decrease/increase once i get an idea of my estrogen levels, will start on 0.5mg)
    Saw palmetto 3000mg/day (helps block DHT which will help prevent hair loss)

    Week 14-18:
    Tamoxifen 40/20/20/20
    Clomid 100/50/50/50

    My stats are:
    Age: 18
    Height: 5'8
    Weight: 145lbs OR 65KG

    if you need any other information please ask and i will respond asap, just double checking everything before i start my cycle, thanks guys

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Any gains at this point in your life will be temporary, why risk shutting down your natural production, in its prime? Just plain silly to take such a big risk

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    You are to young and way too light for your ht you don't know how to eat so along with the risk of messing up your Endo system any gains you do make you will lose.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    I know you don't want to hear this, but if you learn to eat you will grow like a weed right now. What's wrong with working hard, eating right, and waiting to use AAS. I can tell you from experience that if you're not growing naturally right now, the gains you get while using AAS will be temporary. If you want to be a 175 start eating like you weigh 175.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Here you go if you're willing to trade 8 weeks of gains that you will likely lose against possibly 80 years of permanent damage

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Houston, TX
    If you know people are going to tell you don't do it, then why ask anyway?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2017
    Man your too young. Do you play any sports? What's the reason to do steroids? How about getting the eating right and training right down first.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    AZ Side
    My .02 Cents(which r usually free) -

    No way in how hell I was ready until my 30's to get sauced

    I have plenty of acquitances a decade up & down. . . Most of the ones in their 20's have a hard time holding it together compared to us old guys.

    Juice fukcs with you on so many levels

  9. #9
    I agree with alot of these people on not doing it. Just take tribulus. It helped me out getting to your weight and i could have continued but sadly i personally have low T levels due to genetics. Im only 24. The effect of coming off of them which i have experienced already is crazy and will screw with you really badly. I got super depreseed just in the time of not injecting for a week. A WEEK. Your only 18 mate. You have time. If you feel like you still want to do it just take note of the immediate effects. You wont actually lose your hair unless you are prone to by genetics (dad/moms family has alot of bald people). My family has bald people but im not losing my hair. But then again i only ise test E/ eq and deca.
    Again i personally wouldnt suggest it but in the end its still your decision.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Vinnie214 View Post
    Hello guys hows it going,

    I'm a new member here just joined recently, and planning to start my first cycle very soon. I'm aware that I'm to young and will do damage to myself, I am fully aware of the consequences of shutting down natural test before its developed, but i have considered this and have made my decision and would like assistance in doing it correctly, rather than being told I'm too young as if I'm not already aware of that.

    From my knowledge, a first cycle is best consisted of Testosterone only for 8-12 weeks, and i plan to do
    400mg PW of testosterone enanthate for 12 weeks. I am simply going to list everything i will be using on cycle and for PCT and would like you guys to check it and make sure everything is okay.

    Week 1-12:
    Testosterone Enanthate 400mg/week
    Arimidex 0.5mg EOD (will decrease/increase once i get an idea of my estrogen levels, will start on 0.5mg)
    Saw palmetto 3000mg/day (helps block DHT which will help prevent hair loss)

    Week 14-18:
    Tamoxifen 40/20/20/20
    Clomid 100/50/50/50

    My stats are:
    Age: 18
    Height: 5'8
    Weight: 145lbs OR 65KG

    if you need any other information please ask and i will respond asap, just double checking everything before i start my cycle, thanks guys
    You're on the wrong site.There are loads of others,where plenty of 18/19/20 year olds,will give you all the answers you want.
    Then,you'll have the added bonus of many,telling you your cycle is a bit weak,and you should add some Tren,Dbol,Deca etc.
    Problem with this site,is the vast majority of members are intelligent,and are concerned about health,so if the older dudes are wasting your time,
    the other sites are waiting.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    I appreciate your concerns, and none of you are wrong. However, this is a risk i am willing to take for my personal reasons so putting age aside, does my cycle consist of everything I need? i mean for god sake say i was 30, is my cycle okay? can you just help me out rather than letting me do it wrong since i'm gonna do it anyway. Dorian Yates started at age 16 and Arnold at 17/18 fyi, i know back then they were not very informed about health risks but still.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    There is a link I posted for you to follow.

    You need to worry about eating though, take as much aas as you like but you will won't keep any gains if you can't get past 145lbs naturally, you should have 30lbs more natural growth in you.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Listen to the vets. I believe that you are willing to take the risk because it is the only solution that you think there is. My personal opinion is that AAS is going to possibly screw you up but without a proper diet on or off AAS, your results will not last in other words it is a waste. You have the right to do what you want, but I disagree with your decision for the reasons mentioned above.
    What is a little disheartening is that people gave you threads to read with your answers and you ignored them. It is hard for me to respect a decision if they making it without being informed. I am pretty sure that you did not read them because you think you know better.
    At least read all the threads and then make a decision. I can respect that type of decision (not saying I agree).

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by Vinnie214 View Post
    I appreciate your concerns, and none of you are wrong. However, this is a risk i am willing to take for my personal reasons so putting age aside, does my cycle consist of everything I need? i mean for god sake say i was 30, is my cycle okay? can you just help me out rather than letting me do it wrong since i'm gonna do it anyway. Dorian Yates started at age 16 and Arnold at 17/18 fyi, i know back then they were not very informed about health risks but still.
    And did you also see what they looked like at age 15?

    They looked great, because they been at it since age 10

    Rich piana started lifting with his momma at age 9.

    So tell me, what's your current workouts look like?

    How many days a week are you lifting?

  15. #15
    Before juice.

    How you missed this in your research?

    Sent from my LGLS775 using Tapatalk

  16. #16
    Fwiw. Wed rather you do it wrong. Than give you advice on how to load your father's gun so you can play cops n robbers

    Sent from my LGLS775 using Tapatalk

  17. #17
    If you are willing to take the risk find a diet that works for you first... and look up beginner cycles. Im starting with Deca 200 and Test E/Eq 200 (400 mg total for the test/eq). I started on a monday and wait 3-3.5 days so thrusday for injection. 2cc (2ml) total. Now i do it wed and sat cause my cycle got off track from being in the hospital and ive also split it to two injections, seperated the deca and test in different syringes. 1cc (1ml) of each (normal dose). My cycle has long esters (as far as i read) so they will stay in my system for two weeks (or longer) after i stop (not sure if its true). I should be taking dbol but i didnt have the money for that so im just stick with the beginner base cycyle. Alot of these guys may suggest other wise but ive gained 20 lbs in the time bein (Crazy, right?). But just be careful and prepare yourself for the affects and after affect of getting off the cycle, as many have said. IT WILL mess with your mind. Another thing is no sex drive and small balls. i could care less cause i wont ever use them to have a baby and ive never had a sex drive EVER-- i have a "broken wrist" (gay). Lol.
    Again, mate, look up everything and ask your self if you are ready for the negatives. Like they said you are at your prime and doing this will cause unreverseable affects.
    Ill just leave this here im 24 and at age 20 i just started growin pit hair and BARELY getting chin hair. At 24 i still bairly had a beard just a patch on my chin but after starting i now have more of a beard (which I absolutely love).

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Vinnie214 View Post
    I appreciate your concerns, and none of you are wrong. However, this is a risk i am willing to take for my personal reasons so putting age aside, does my cycle consist of everything I need? i mean for god sake say i was 30, is my cycle okay? can you just help me out rather than letting me do it wrong since i'm gonna do it anyway. Dorian Yates started at age 16 and Arnold at 17/18 fyi, i know back then they were not very informed about health risks but still.
    If you want to do it right read the top link backinblack posted. Follow that exactly, including all bloodwork. That is as safe as you can get at your age. I dont know you and your decision to use would more than likely never affect me, but we recommend waiting for a reason. When I was 18 I would take risks I wouldn't even contemplate now that I'm 36. We all do some dumb shit, but we just hope it doesn't affect us long term. You have plenty of time think it over if you decide to use follow the beginner cycle exactly.

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