I'm wanting to get advice on my upcoming cycle whether it's taking away, adding or just reworking the whole cycle...I want to run test cyp, Deca and tren e...I've heard I should add caber since I'll be running a 19-nor compound but not sure yet...my doses would be
Weeks 1-10
Test cyp 250mg x2/week
Deca 250mg x2/week
Tren e 200mg x2/week
Weeks 11-14
Deca 250mg x2/week
Test cyp 250 x2/week
Weeks 15-17
Test cyp 250mg x2/week
Then post cycle with nolvadex
I have cycled before and actually this exact rundown but never asked opinions on it I had good results lots of strength and size gain but I just thought maybe there was something I could better or more or less, any opinions welcome and thanks in advance