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Thread: Help with cycle

  1. #1

    Help with cycle

    I'm wanting to get advice on my upcoming cycle whether it's taking away, adding or just reworking the whole cycle...I want to run test cyp, Deca and tren e...I've heard I should add caber since I'll be running a 19-nor compound but not sure doses would be

    Weeks 1-10
    Test cyp 250mg x2/week
    Deca 250mg x2/week
    Tren e 200mg x2/week

    Weeks 11-14
    Deca 250mg x2/week
    Test cyp 250 x2/week

    Weeks 15-17
    Test cyp 250mg x2/week

    Then post cycle with nolvadex

    I have cycled before and actually this exact rundown but never asked opinions on it I had good results lots of strength and size gain but I just thought maybe there was something I could better or more or less, any opinions welcome and thanks in advance
    Last edited by Aesthetix01; 09-01-2017 at 03:48 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Cycle history?




    Nolva only after a gram a week on 19-noes will be wholly inadequate.

  3. #3
    I've ran that cycle before and just a straight test cycle for 12 weeks
    I'm 6ft 200lbs and 23 years old I was sitting at 235 but I had bilateral shoulder surgery and so I was out of the gym for a while as far hcg I've never run it thought about it after that last cycle but didn't need it what else should I use as a post cycle

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Have you completely healed from surgery, and regained your strength? Absolutely no need to cycle if you are not 100% ready, trust me, I know!

  5. #5
    Oh yeah I've spent the last 6ish months eating right and working out just so I have a good base back down before I jumped back on cycle

  6. #6
    I would lower the deca to 300-400. Maybe front load it or do npp. But that's just what I would do in this day and time.

    Looks solid. I run nolva&clomid after every cycle no matter how big or small the cycle is

    Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk

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