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Thread: Anavar only PCT + Test E cycle start

  1. #1
    Barcodez is offline New Member
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    Sep 2017

    Anavar only PCT + Test E cycle start

    I'm just about finished up an 8 1/2 week anavar only cycle (70mg ED) I have both clomid and nolva on hand just curious on opinions how long I should wait after my last day of anavar before starting PCT and what dosages you recommend. Doing research online I found a bunch of posts that weren't very consistent on amount to take. Most of the posts I found also were from years ago.

    Another question I do have is I now also have Test E. I read the beginners guide to steroids last night that recommends waiting your cycle time (8 weeks) after finishing up PCT before starting another cycle. I was wondering if this time could be cut down abit as I was doing anavar only? Maybe PCT + 4 weeks.

    For anyone curious.
    Height: 6,1
    Age: 22
    Weight: 180-185
    Unsure on bf but definitely low.
    The anavar only was my first cycle.
    Don't think I'll ever do an oral again especially oral only.

  2. #2
    guitarzan's Avatar
    guitarzan is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I would start pct immediately, no more than one day after last anavar dosing.

    In case you don't know, or for anyone else reading this that don't know. You are too you young to be cycling, parts of your body are still developing, you can cause permanent damage. Anavar shouldn't be taking without test, and no oral should be taken longer than 4-6 weeks. Did you take liver support? I sure hope so
    Family_guy likes this.

  3. #3
    Barcodez is offline New Member
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    Do you have a recommendation for pct? Like I said I have both nolva and clomid at home. I was thinking nolva only but some things I have read recommended doing a mix of the two. Yes I did also take a liver support

  4. #4
    guitarzan's Avatar
    guitarzan is offline Knowledgeable Member
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  5. #5
    Barcodez is offline New Member
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    Thank you.

  6. #6
    Octaneforce's Avatar
    Octaneforce is offline Senior Member
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    Did you get baseline test levels through bloodwork before cycling? Yes you need nolva and clomid
    Nolva 40/20/20/20
    Clomid 75/50/50/50
    Get bloodwork 6 weeks after pct and if you've recovered you can start putting together a real cycle in a year or two.

  7. #7
    Barcodez is offline New Member
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    I did not get any blood work done. I'm starting that exact PCT today so I will get tests done to see where I'm at 6 weeks after. Thanks for the info. I'll store this test E until next summer when I'm 23 and have a more solid plan. Appreciate the input!
    Octaneforce likes this.

  8. #8
    deadliftkarma is offline New Member
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    how you can manage an oral only cycle? did you not suffered about the suppression? cannot understand

  9. #9
    Barcodez is offline New Member
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    If I'm being completely honest all my info at the begging was based off "bro science". So gym talk. I started reading into it when I was on week 4ish and wish I did it a little differently or not at all because of my age. That's how it goes tho I don't think one quick cycle is the end of the world a solid pct then blood work to make sure I'm back on track. I did lose my sex drive slightly but that's honestly about it.

  10. #10
    KamAwaite is offline New Member
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    Anavar only PCT Test E cycle start

    Sorry for my English.
    But I don't know the meaning of ESL...
    I thought to ask a help to combine these drugs...

    Anavar and Oral Winny, both I have here.
    Sustanon too.
    Primo or Masteron ?

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