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Thread: "Safe" use of tren and orals

  1. #1
    hollywoodundead2016 is offline Associate Member
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    "Safe" use of tren and orals

    Last edited by hollywoodundead2016; 09-07-2017 at 04:20 PM.

  2. #2
    guitarzan's Avatar
    guitarzan is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I don't think slamming anything would be healthy. Best to be consistent with tren and keep your blood levels stable. As far as orals, some people do only take them on work out days, but not sure that's best

  3. #3
    hollywoodundead2016 is offline Associate Member
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    Last edited by hollywoodundead2016; 09-07-2017 at 04:20 PM.

  4. #4
    hollywoodundead2016 is offline Associate Member
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    Last edited by hollywoodundead2016; 09-07-2017 at 04:21 PM.

  5. #5
    DocToxin8's Avatar
    DocToxin8 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Doing anadrol 50mg 3x a week (during a cycle of test, etc),
    is absolutely "worth it" in terms of increased gains IMO.
    No it won't be as effective as ED dosing,
    and I wouldn't do 150mg x3 a week to compensate either.
    (Id imagine that would give me migraines from hell)

    But the 3x anadrol dosing is a pretty old approach and it does add to the anabolic punch of a cycle.
    (With 50mg and a Ht=12h, that means you'll have 25mg at the start of day 2,
    then 12,5mg to 6,25mg at start of day 3 when you dose another 50mg.)

    If tren ace would follow the same logic, I'm partly inclined to think so,
    but I think orals (c17aa orals to be exact) is more useful to raise IGF1 levels.
    With tren I'd just lower the dose and keep it stable.

    With HGH and growth of height in children ED dosing or double dosing EOD provided nearly the same results on growth.
    The explanation being that it was the weekly HGH dose (which was the same for ED and EOD) that determined the level of IGF1 release.
    (Yes EOD was slightly less effective, but growth also continued better after discontinued use, probably cause of less shutdown on endogenous GH release)

    But don't extract from this that it's better to do AAS in higher dosages with alternating blood levels.
    Just that IMO, c17aa orals CAN be used effectively with 3x weekly dosing.
    (Added to a cycle of esters, so you always have elevated levels of AAS in you)

  6. #6
    PT1982's Avatar
    PT1982 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by DocToxin8 View Post
    Doing anadrol 50mg 3x a week (during a cycle of test, etc),
    is absolutely "worth it" in terms of increased gains IMO.
    No it won't be as effective as ED dosing,
    and I wouldn't do 150mg x3 a week to compensate either.
    (Id imagine that would give me migraines from hell)

    But the 3x anadrol dosing is a pretty old approach and it does add to the anabolic punch of a cycle.
    (With 50mg and a Ht=12h, that means you'll have 25mg at the start of day 2,
    then 12,5mg to 6,25mg at start of day 3 when you dose another 50mg.)

    If tren ace would follow the same logic, I'm partly inclined to think so,
    but I think orals (c17aa orals to be exact) is more useful to raise IGF1 levels.
    With tren I'd just lower the dose and keep it stable.

    With HGH and growth of height in children ED dosing or double dosing EOD provided nearly the same results on growth.
    The explanation being that it was the weekly HGH dose (which was the same for ED and EOD) that determined the level of IGF1 release.
    (Yes EOD was slightly less effective, but growth also continued better after discontinued use, probably cause of less shutdown on endogenous GH release)

    But don't extract from this that it's better to do AAS in higher dosages with alternating blood levels.
    Just that IMO, c17aa orals CAN be used effectively with 3x weekly dosing.
    (Added to a cycle of esters, so you always have elevated levels of AAS in you)
    Oh the headaches! I couldn't imagine 150mgs of anadrol.

  7. #7
    XBeastModeX is offline New Member
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    Obviously, too much of anything toxic all at once is not good... But as long as you aren't a complete moron, orals definitely help increase the intensity of a workout since they are so fast acting.

    Having steady blood levels is always beneficial to stop myself from experiencing estrogen or acne side effects, however.

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