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  1. #1
    champpro1 is offline New Member
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    Sep 2017

    Test E 500MG and Dbol 1st cycle question

    Currently in Week 3 of the cycle, but all my gear got thrown out..
    So far i have only done 4 shots 250mg twice a week for the first 2 weeks. and Dbol for 4 days.

    The next batch of vial and dbol wont probably arrive till next week, if it does arrive this week then there is no worries there

    so my question is, is it okay to skip 2 shots in Week 3? and continue on week 4? or just start PCT next week? just not sure if i can get everything all together by this week

  2. #2
    DocToxin8's Avatar
    DocToxin8 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Land of the screwed
    Not the best planning there, but shit happens.
    If you're talking about missing 7 days, 2 shots of test e then I'd continue.
    You'll have elevated levels of T in your system through that week cause you've allready used 1G test e in two weeks.

    What about the DBOL ?
    Can you at least stay on that during week 3?

    And what about hcg and AI?

    And I hope you've got PCT lined up, not waiting for it.

    But if it's a matter of missing one week of test e I'd rather continue than do PCT,
    wait and start over again.
    Why? Because while it will affect you a little,
    I think the strain of doing one half cycle with PCT and then follow with another,
    I'd rather make the one cycle count.

    You could prolong it to a 12 week cycle and it should give you great gains.
    But if one week becomes two weeks, then I'd start considering PCT.

  3. #3
    champpro1 is offline New Member
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    Sep 2017
    Last shot i did was Thursday last week 31st August

    iv only been on Dbol for 4 days since Monday last week.

    I don't have access to PCT as that got thrown out as well.

    Just waiting for source to respond back asap

  4. #4
    Back In Black's Avatar
    Back In Black is offline Beach Bodybuilder ~Elite-Hall of Fame~
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    Are you taking an AI and HCG ?

    Did your parents throw out your gear? You should really stop and run a short PCT and evaluate the permanent damage you may be causing yourself by cycling at your age.

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