Okay so 5 weeks in today and not feeling much at all.. no real strength increase.. just very slightly but that is how it should be considering I've been eating a lot and lifting heavy
my bodyweight is up but I never had trouble gaining weight (I used to be 270 fat I'm now at 215lbs 6'4)
no feeling of being "on" and not much of a energy boost really.. sex drive has stayed the same but I'm 23 so it wasn't really a problem before
I've never really had spots but I'm getting spots on my chest (white heads) not acne thought (is there a difference)
forehead might be slightly oily... I've never really paid much attention pre cycle but I think it feels slightly more oily than the rest of my body but its not visably oily
okay so the good is my dick looks bigger on a flop.. again I never really paid much attention to my balls before cycle but I think they have got smaller and defiantly feel softer..
any other signs I can test to see if its working? I've got the labs test results today and its saying 285MG per ML and I'm doing 0.9CC twice a week and I've verified with the labs website to make sure the gear is good..
also I have some tbol lying around that I used before (tbol only stupid i know) that I stopped early due to feeling shit and not gaining anything.. I wanted to end my cycle with something.. I've got the lab test results for the tbol and its dosed properly so I was thinking of ending the cycle with some anavar but should I just use the tbol I've already got?