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Thread: 5 weeks today test e first cycle

  1. #1

    5 weeks today test e first cycle

    Okay so 5 weeks in today and not feeling much at all.. no real strength increase.. just very slightly but that is how it should be considering I've been eating a lot and lifting heavy

    my bodyweight is up but I never had trouble gaining weight (I used to be 270 fat I'm now at 215lbs 6'4)

    no feeling of being "on" and not much of a energy boost really.. sex drive has stayed the same but I'm 23 so it wasn't really a problem before

    I've never really had spots but I'm getting spots on my chest (white heads) not acne thought (is there a difference)
    forehead might be slightly oily... I've never really paid much attention pre cycle but I think it feels slightly more oily than the rest of my body but its not visably oily

    okay so the good is my dick looks bigger on a flop.. again I never really paid much attention to my balls before cycle but I think they have got smaller and defiantly feel softer..

    any other signs I can test to see if its working? I've got the labs test results today and its saying 285MG per ML and I'm doing 0.9CC twice a week and I've verified with the labs website to make sure the gear is good..

    also I have some tbol lying around that I used before (tbol only stupid i know) that I stopped early due to feeling shit and not gaining anything.. I wanted to end my cycle with something.. I've got the lab test results for the tbol and its dosed properly so I was thinking of ending the cycle with some anavar but should I just use the tbol I've already got?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2017
    Home of the Braves
    Don't add tbol. Why do you have tbol "laying around" if this is your first cycle? I'm going to take a guess here. I bet you aren't taking an AI. Hcg? What is your current body fat percentage?

  3. #3
    I was going to do a tbol only cycle so I ordered some, I had a fear of needles but got over it..

    I'm taking 0.5 adex EOD

    no HCG

    I honestly don't know, I'm not shredded at all but I have visible abs

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2017
    Night City
    Quote Originally Posted by kuntpopper View Post
    I was going to do a tbol only cycle so I ordered some, I had a fear of needles but got over it..

    I'm taking 0.5 adex EOD

    no HCG

    I honestly don't know, I'm not shredded at all but I have visible abs
    AI is too high, bump that down to .25 mg adex EOD until you get your midcycle BW and adjust from there. Low Estrogen will have you feeling lethargic and you don't want that. Test-E takes a little while to kick, but you should begin to feel it soon, you are close. Week 5 or 6 is the typical. You need HCG during cycle. Aids in recovery and maintaining your gains.

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by fit_deskjocky View Post
    AI is too high, bump that down to .25 mg adex EOD until you get your midcycle BW and adjust from there. Low Estrogen will have you feeling lethargic and you don't want that. Test-E takes a little while to kick, but you should begin to feel it soon, you are close. Week 5 or 6 is the typical. You need HCG during cycle. Aids in recovery and maintaining your gains.
    0.25 EOD cool I'll break down some tabs now.. maybe thats why I've not got the energy I keep hearing.. so during week 5 and during week 6 yeah? not like bang on 6 weeks i'll start gaining?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Sometimes it's good to do some research before you do something! ie putting strange compounds into your body you are lucky you didn't crash your E2 bro.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by kuntpopper View Post
    I've got the labs test results today and its saying 285MG per ML and I'm doing 0.9CC twice a week and I've verified with the labs website to make sure the gear is good..
    You got your gear tested how exactly??

  8. #8
    Well the UGL I have used sent the test E off to be tested and they sent me the results.. same batch

    feels like the size might be finally coming on!

  9. #9
    Ah man I did do some research.. I just see 0.5 adex was what a lot of peolpe are doing! 0.25 dose today!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2016
    Wow and I ignored your 2.5 mg adex comment because I was sure it was a typo.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by kuntpopper View Post
    Well the UGL I have used sent the test E off to be tested and they sent me the results.. same batch

    feels like the size might be finally coming on!
    you seriously believe what an UGL says???
    could be fake results...
    could be a different batch...

    my guess is they never got it tested in the first place....

    get blood work and see where your testosterone and estradoil is...

  12. #12
    they are pretty popular here in the UK.. seems like it might have kicked in now anyway

  13. #13
    I have some labs on my home brew gear, its 1200mg/ml and 0 pip

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Well at 19yrs old you too are asking for trouble with your endo system.

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