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Thread: My Planned Cycle/Diet for your Critique

  1. #1
    IronClydes's Avatar
    IronClydes is offline Senior Member
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    My Planned Cycle/Diet for your Critique

    I just finished a long, low dose, EQ/TC Cycle for my bike racing season. It was as follows:

    EQ 100 twice weekly
    Test Cyp 80 twice weekly

    The goal was to minimize bulk weight gain (weight is no good racing bikes), protect muscle (lots of intense cardio), and enhance endurance (EQ raises RBC's very well).

    As you can see, it was a low-impact, low-dosage cycle, hence why I feel it's okay to move forward with a short 8 week true cycle to wrap it up and recover some muscle lost in-season or finalize my cuts.

    This cycle lasted from 3/21 to 8/25, and as I stated, I am now looking to cap that off, as it was very low dosing and my 5th cycle, with a short 8 week cycle (before time off) as follows:

    Cut option:

    1) Test Cyp 80 twice weekly
    2) NPP 50 EOD (until supply runs out in approx 2 weeks, then maybe low-dose deca for joints at 60 twice weekly)
    3) 75 Tren E EOD (started first week at 50 Tren A and 50 Tren E to kick it off; now on the second week and transitioning over at Tren A 25 and Tren E 50)
    4) Anavar 50 ED (once in an only) for first 5.5 weeks of this cycle (all I have left)
    5) .5 Caber once weekly
    6) .25 Anastrozole EOD
    7) Liv52 and NAC twice daily

    I am currently on week 2, going over to only the E version of Tren in a couple days.

    What do you think and/or recommend?

    After such a long race season on low calories, to keep the weight minimal, I am currently at the following stats and wondering if perhaps I should instead make this into an 8 week bulk to recover lost muscle and from all that diet control and cardio! I lost strength and size for sure.

    1) 208 pounds
    2) 10-12% body fat (DECA said 8.7% on 6/27 at 212 pounds, but I'm looking a little less cut than I did then)
    3) 36 years, 6 foot, 34" waist (33-33.5 when I had DECA done)

    What are your thoughts? Bulk or Cut short cycle?

    In each case, what AAS do you choose? If not what I laid out, this is what else I have on hand to select from:

    Winstrol 50: 64 pills
    Clen 40: 25 pills
    T3/4 (20/100 mix): 54 pills
    Halo 5: 120 pills
    Anavar 10: 150 pills left

    Tren A 100: 54ml
    Tren E 200: 35ml
    EQ 300: 24ml
    NPP 100: 11ml
    Deca 250: 15ml
    Test Prop 100: 4ml

    The following are preferred due to upcoming expiration dates:

    Anavar: 4/18
    Tren E: 20ml of it on 9/17
    EQ: 3/18
    Winstrol and Clen: unknown, but purchased same time as Anavar.

    As for the diet, TDEE is typically around 3000 with my usual weight and moderate cardio routine in place. I typically follow a 40/40/20 split for 6 days with a 1 day refeed at 60/25/15 (carb/pro/fat split). I can modify, as advised, for a cut/bulk, and have grown decent at carb cycling if you like that approach as well.

    Thanks in advance for sharing your insight, experience, and AAS/diet wisdom!

    For reference, the attached pictures are my DECA and me my lean point, 6/18/2017, when the test was competed, indicating 8.9%, which I understand typically gives a 2% higher than actual bf%.

    Attachment 170484

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  2. #2
    clarky. is offline MONITOR
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    Hi iron, nice to see you back.

    Iron, TBH you don't have enough of most of the compounds to get a use out of them.

    You never said about test just the prop which is nothing.

    Best thing you could do is run the tren a and get more test

    Tren a 2-300 mg wk run that for 8-10wk with the test prop. If using test e/c then run that for 10-12wks at 500mg wk. As for the cut or bulk, that's really your call. You could do either easy with what i have said above.

  3. #3
    IronClydes's Avatar
    IronClydes is offline Senior Member
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    Thanks Clarky.


    I have about 50ml of Test Cyp (prescription supply build up) at 200/ml strength

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  4. #4
    IronClydes's Avatar
    IronClydes is offline Senior Member
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    Okay, so undecided now between Test Cyp 500/week being stacked with Deca 250/week or Tren 250/week.

    Decided I'm doing a 14 week bulk.

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  5. #5
    clarky. is offline MONITOR
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    Quote Originally Posted by IronClydes View Post
    Okay, so undecided now between Test Cyp 500/week being stacked with Deca 250/week or Tren 250/week.

    Decided I'm doing a 14 week bulk.

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    Lol, up to you mate either will do nice, if it was my choice i would go for the tren e. Nothing wrong with the deca, great compound.

  6. #6
    IronClydes's Avatar
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    So, all agree with the test Cyp at 500/week.

    Since I already started the Tren a week ago, it makes sense to stick with it.

    For dosing schedule, how does this look:

    Monday's and Friday's: inject 1.25ml (250mg) Test Cyp and .75ml (150mg) Tren E?

    I'll alternate between glutes and delts on those.

    Additionally, I'll take Anastrozole .25 EOD and .5 Caber on injection days (twice weekly).

    This will be on a 3100 calories diet (300 surplus) at 310carb/270pro/85fat.

    Sound legit?

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  7. #7
    IronClydes's Avatar
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    Change of heart.

    From here on out, I think I'd like to stick to Deca plus Test to bulk and Tren plus Test to cut

    Still have all those orals to work in at some point however.

    Any thoughts on good times to incorporate now or in the future?

    Thanks fellas

    Just did first injection and followed it with my first day back at HIT since last year! The burning sensation was long overdue and missed pun intended lol

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  8. #8
    clarky. is offline MONITOR
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    Quote Originally Posted by IronClydes View Post
    Change of heart.

    From here on out, I think I'd like to stick to Deca plus Test to bulk and Tren plus Test to cut

    Still have all those orals to work in at some point however.

    Any thoughts on good times to incorporate now or in the future?

    Thanks fellas

    Just did first injection and followed it with my first day back at HIT since last year! The burning sensation was long overdue and missed pun intended lol

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    Lol, you change your mind like the weather iron hahaha. From the orals you have just keep them, they would go better with your cut.
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  9. #9
    IronClydes's Avatar
    IronClydes is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by clarky. View Post
    Lol, you change your mind like the weather iron hahaha. From the orals you have just keep them, they would go better with your cut.
    Okay. Thanks Clarky! Lol

    Diet/food choices look ideal?


    "Half of any battle you face in life is just showing up every day, despite how you feel"

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