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Thread: Mixing denkall 400 with qv test

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2003

    Mixing denkall 400 with qv test

    Hello everyone, I have a friend that is getting serious pain from denkall 400 to the point he can't sit down on his ass and when he walks it looks like someone has slapped the green weaner to him. I told him denkall has high ba content for him to mix with some deca or possible eq. Well he said he doesn't have the money for that and has couple of bottles of qv test 250 enthanate. I'm just wondering if it would be benificial to mix those to. He takes high amount of test a week anyhow so he's not worried about sides. He will be doing it every other day I think to get the benifits from the prop in the denkall, So He mentioned doing eod 1/4 cc of denkall and 1cc of that qv test. I told him I think thats to much but he is insisting because thats like 1400mg a week. Anyhow I'm going to try to talk him to atleast twice a week so it would be total of 700mg. So would doing it twice a week at what I suggested and at a dosage of 1/4cc denkall and 1cc of qv test entha be decent in mixing so it won't be as painful and also is the dosage decent to keep blood levels constant I think so and will prob suggest this to him inless ppl think this is a bad idea. thanks guys.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    yeh you need to cut it with something, i did a cycle of test 400 and Brovel's deca, NEVER AGAIN. The deca was fine but there is no reason for gear to hurt like that. I did 1cc the first day and missed two days of work.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    I don't see a problem w/ him mixing the QV w/ the T400 but your probably right that 1400mgs of test per week is too much for him. I don't know how much it's gonna lessen the pain if any but it's worth a shot (no pun intended)
    Tell him to cap the needle after drawing and run it under some hot water for 2 mins & inject slow.
    DD: I Never took T400 but I seriously doubt that the pain can be that bad that you would have to take 2 days off of work lol Unless u hit a major nerve or something.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2002
    he also needs to be carefull about the qv test. theres been a lot of posts lately about it being painfull as well. i know the batch of qv250 i just got off of caused a lil discomfort. i guess your friend will just have to give it a shot and see what happens

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    MBaraso seriously it was pretty painful. I'm not some pain freak but I would say my threshhold is up there. Just don't waste your money on it, it's not worth it. You could be right but I never injected more than 1/2cc after that and they still turned out to be pretty painful. Yeh I could have hit something though...............

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2002
    I've used T400 on and off. I found that shooting .5 ml in two muscle groups works better.... so 1/2cc in each glute, thigh, calve etc.

    1400mg is alot but not some over the top dosage. The problem I see happening is using that much gear two things happen... #1 the person is experienced with diet and serious about training and makes the gear used to its potential... #2 the person is inexperienced with diet (by far in the protein intake) and training and is wasting the gear supplied.

    I would say mix 1/2 ml to 1 or 2ml of deca, eq, or enanthate if he can’t stand even the 1/2ml per quad or glute etc.

    I would keep it @ 1g or under if he's not some serious person or bber. The risk to benefit it what you have to keep in your head at all times. Could you have achieved the same results with less... less mg wise, less sides....
    Ex. I found that over 1g of deca adds nothing to my gains other than sides compared to 600mgs. @ 800mg I feel the bloat no acne but no difference in lean mass compared to 1g or 1200mg.

    Keep it simple... the gear is an additive make it worthwhile. Many here could take 400-600mg of test for 16wks and make great gains... If your going to dose big, then eat big, train big, and take the pain... truth is they could make all gear painless don't ask me why they don’t.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    I would suggest just mixing it with 1/2cc of some of sterile oil compound instead of adding more test. I'm using the denkall t400 right now and mix it with eq and it's not bad at all...i think you just have to mix it

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Long Island, NY
    where can you get a sterile oil compound

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    san diego, ca
    Quote Originally Posted by ImmmtheIceman
    where can you get a sterile oil compound
    Last edited by MBaraso; 11-02-2004 at 08:46 AM. Reason: Keep that to PM's

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