Hello everyone, I have a friend that is getting serious pain from denkall 400 to the point he can't sit down on his ass and when he walks it looks like someone has slapped the green weaner to him. I told him denkall has high ba content for him to mix with some deca or possible eq. Well he said he doesn't have the money for that and has couple of bottles of qv test 250 enthanate. I'm just wondering if it would be benificial to mix those to. He takes high amount of test a week anyhow so he's not worried about sides. He will be doing it every other day I think to get the benifits from the prop in the denkall, So He mentioned doing eod 1/4 cc of denkall and 1cc of that qv test. I told him I think thats to much but he is insisting because thats like 1400mg a week. Anyhow I'm going to try to talk him to atleast twice a week so it would be total of 700mg. So would doing it twice a week at what I suggested and at a dosage of 1/4cc denkall and 1cc of qv test entha be decent in mixing so it won't be as painful and also is the dosage decent to keep blood levels constant I think so and will prob suggest this to him inless ppl think this is a bad idea. thanks guys.