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Thread: Question about "blasting" while on HRT and then cutting........

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2015

    Question about "blasting" while on HRT and then cutting........

    I'm not pro at this so I'm asking for advice.Ok first and for most...I've been doing HRT for few years and was over weight so never had desire to blast because I didn't want my E2 to spike with the higher BF%. Make a very long story short, I just recently got my Bf to around 15%(give or take) and I'm pretty comfortable blasting now so I'm about 2 weeks in doing such. I'm currently doing a very simple 400mg wk Test C pharma stuff(200mg 1ML 2x wk).

    Long story short, I wanted a VERY BASIC regimen as I "was" super weak and over weight before, but now I just want a low BF% and definition and to be strong. I'm not going pro, nor trying to impress anyone, I just wanted a "kick start" for say so thats why I decided to do a very short, very simple blast and use what I had in the cabinet. I have enough to run about 3 more weeks(5 total) of it and then I'll back it back off to my normal 100mg TRT dose. In the mean time, I'd like to keep the gains that I got over this 5 week term whatever that may be. But after I'm done with this 5 week blast, I would love to keep what I have, cut my cals and let my fat melt around my muscles that I earned.

    Oh and if it gives me ANY creditability, I feel like I earned this. I went from 260lbs 9 months ago, to really watching my shit and what I put in my mouth and kept my ass in the gym 6 days a week! I'm now 185-190LBS(It fluctuates) and a rough guesstimate if 15-16% BF according to the last time someone did a check. I'm stoked about my loss so for the first time in my life....I have a 4 pack (lol) and muscle definition that shows like it never has before. I'm not the guy that jumps on FB and brags about my "gains" with gym selfies or whatever... and I'm very humble about it because I did this for ME and no one else...but yeah....I'm looking to just take my body further then what it is now and I have a little boost laying around to help.
    I guess in a short....I'm asking what I should do after my 5 week blast. Maybe some clen(I'm very aware of the risk of clen) ..? Or just clean my diet and bump my cardio up....??... Or what..? Looking for a exit plan to keep my gains as much as possible and cut my BF for say ...Thanks.

    Side note: (not sure if this matters)
    I'm 34 years old
    I gave blood 3 days ago (I timed it that way)
    I take other minor basic Sups (Protein,BCAA,Creatine,Bata-A, PS No3 Drive)
    Last edited by vbguy; 09-10-2017 at 06:50 PM.

  2. #2
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Hi vbguy. Honestly you don't really have enough test to make a difference. Long estered test needs to be run for about a minimum of 12 weeks for it to make a difference. It doesn't really kick in (where you'll see results) untill about 4-6 weeks metabolism dependent. If you can't quickly obtain more gear then I'd recommend stopping and returning to your TRT dose.

    Not trying to rain on the parade, just being factual. But I do want to congratulate you on the progress you've made so far! Great work. Keep it up. Stock up on some gear and prepare for a longer run in the future.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    No this is EXACTLY what I'm looking for! If you were close to me, I'd buy you a beer! Or whatever lol. I actually can get it but I'll have to switch from test C to E which would be better anyway per your advice. Thank you so much.

  4. #4
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    C or E are basically the same. Both long esters, just a few days difference between them so have at it. Always have some extra on hand.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

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