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Thread: Tornel Super Test 250/Sustanon 250

  1. #1

    Tornel Super Test 250/Sustanon 250

    Anyone ever use this stuff?? What kind of results did you get? I am on my first cycle and am taking it, 250mg/w for the first three weeks, then will bump it up to 500mg/w. Any feedback is appreciated!

  2. #2
    You'll hear a few different opinions on taking Sus.

    One is EOD shots to get the full effect of all the esters.

    Another is just take it as any other Test - a certain amount of mg's a week.

    Is this all you're taking ? Do you have the proper medications in case you start getting gyno ? How long do you plan on taking it for ?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Super test 250 was ok, nothing to jump up and down about. You need to up your dosage, maybe to 500mg wk. What are your stats? A really wise man told me once that multiple esters in a multi use vial are not the best. Try to get amps..............

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Finished using a bottle 4 weeks ago....OK stuff but I had shortness of breath problems from it. I actaully had to stop 1 week early because it got so bad. I always had heard it was underdosed too. There's better sust out there, IMO.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2002
    South Jersey
    yeah, wasnt impressed with Tornell supertest 250. IMO way underdosed

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2003
    not too far from you
    Quote Originally Posted by Tank21
    yeah, wasnt impressed with Tornell supertest 250. IMO way underdosed
    my friend is taking tornell, and really likes it, and was pushing that on to me for my next cycle. Even though he does look pretty good,

    Quote Originally Posted by daddydbol
    "A really wise man told me once that multiple esters in a multi use vial are not the best."
    This is soooo true, if i were to do sust it would only be amps.

  7. #7
    Just did my last shot 20 minutes ago of this stuff. I ran it for 10 weeks and I gained 35 lbs so far. My strength gains were unreal. Both 10 ml bottles were filled with exactly 10 ml of juice, no more no less. I had ZERO side effects. IMO this shit is awesome. Don't know what kind of BS these other peeps on here are feeding you but this shit has done wonders for me.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Quote Originally Posted by mkv213
    Just did my last shot 20 minutes ago of this stuff. I ran it for 10 weeks and I gained 35 lbs so far. My strength gains were unreal. Both 10 ml bottles were filled with exactly 10 ml of juice, no more no less. I had ZERO side effects. IMO this shit is awesome. Don't know what kind of BS these other peeps on here are feeding you but this shit has done wonders for me.
    The BS we're feeding him is from personal experience. Maybe 2 people don't react the exact same way to a drug, ever think of that?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by mkv213
    Just did my last shot 20 minutes ago of this stuff. I ran it for 10 weeks and I gained 35 lbs so far. My strength gains were unreal. Both 10 ml bottles were filled with exactly 10 ml of juice, no more no less. I had ZERO side effects. IMO this shit is awesome. Don't know what kind of BS these other peeps on here are feeding you but this shit has done wonders for me.
    Is it just me or...alot of people around here lately have been jumping to conclusions, giving bad advise, and making comments that aren't even necessary to make....just something ive noticed

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Yes Coldstone, I believe you are right. And mkv213
    I don't think its bs, actually since you seem to be only one who really likes it maybe your full of bs. No insult meant but isn't that what this board is all about, to share personal experiences and learn from each other?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Sorry, just had to vent. Bad day and it's only started.......................

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2003
    Or maybe his boy finally sold him some legit gear and he can't believe how real shit works, be it something that you or i would pass up for cyp or ent.

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