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  1. #1
    Ready2Rumble's Avatar
    Ready2Rumble is offline New Member
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    Jul 2017

    Thinning Hair First Cycle


    Closing out week 6 of my first AAS cycle.

    Test E 500mg/week - .25g axed EoD - 250 iu HCG every Test Injection.

    Hair was very thick and curly before AAS, around week 5 started getting bad acne and started the B5, Zinc, Pycno acne protocol.

    Since then and maybe even before that I have notices my hair is much thinner on the top of my head.
    Today as I washed it in the shower I checked my hands and saw multiple hairs on them.

    Getting bloods done in 2 days and will be posting them.

    Can I combat the hair thinning? Should I use L-Cysteine 1g/day as I have seen recommended elsewhere on this forum?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Sounds like you're prone to male pattern baldness (MPB). It's genetic, the way your body process Test and produce DHT. Those pesky DHT dudes attacks the hair follicles. You can do several things, 1) stop cycling - the exogenous Test will increase the rate of DHT production and attack your precious hair follicles. Then again, if you're prone to MPB you'll go thin over time. 2) get Minoxidil from Costco (cheapest is online) and use it twice a day - Minoxidil prevents/slows down the DHT from attacking your hair follicles, 3) get your doc to prescribe 2mg/ed of finesteride - this stuff prevents/reduces your body from producing excess DHT, 4) take supplements like L-Cysteine - I've read a bunch of marketing stuff but I've not read any clinical studies which prove L-Cysteine prevents hair loss. Then again, it doesn't hurt to take some. 5) just shave your head - this is not an option for me. My head's shaped like a Neanderthal so I look scary and I never get laid when I'm bald, LOL. Good luck.

  3. #3
    songdog's Avatar
    songdog is offline ARs TOP DOG ~ MONITOR ~
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    I hope you are not got to get all depressed over this like the last kid who wanted a transplant LOL

  4. #4
    Ready2Rumble's Avatar
    Ready2Rumble is offline New Member
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    Jul 2017
    Nahh, I might even just be paranoid.

    I'll get my hair stylists opinion tomorrow. Worse comes to worse I buy some Minoxidil.

    Already got the L-Cysteine what can it hurt.

    Thanks as always folks.

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