I'm researching clen and am interested in the accelerated results with Ketofiten. From the sound of some posts, certain brands of Clen have ketotifen in them already. Which brands are these? My source only has Oxyflux (which I hear is garbage) so I'm looking for some other sources. So far it sounds like Spiropent is the most recommended brand.
I'm also trying to understand the dosing schedule. You start with one tab and add a tab a day until you get undesirable side affects (usually 6 or 7?) then back it down by one and maintain that dose for the remainder of the two weeks correct? Do you then start at square one again (1 and up) after your two weeks off or do you start at a higher dose this time? If I do this for a total of 12 weeks (2 on 2 off with ECA on the off weeks) how much time off is recommended before I do another 12 weeks?
What is a good price for clen also? How many tabs would the average user need for 12 weeks (6 weeks on). If Ketotifen is separate, what does its dosing schedule look like?
Lots of questions. Thanks.