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Thread: Gyno? Or not please help

  1. #1
    cradke11 is offline New Member
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    Gyno? Or not please help

    Ik these threads are so redundant but I just wanna see if anybody has had these symptoms before.

    I have gyno to begin with from being poorly guided on how to take my first cycle years ago. Not going to get into that right now but yes I do have some minor prior gyno.

    Current cycle is
    30mg prop ed
    50 mg tren a ed
    12.5 mg aromasin ed before I go to bed
    .25 mg caber Tuesdays and Fridays.

    I'm only a week and a half into the cycle
    (Which is again why I am not convinced this is gyno but I could be wrong. Time will tell)

    6 ft. 1 in.
    13% bf at the most
    Very clean diet

    I will be getting bloods done 4 or 6 weeks in depending how I feel.

    Now my problem is that I do not have the typical signs of gyno (which I do know how that's feels.) There is no sensitivity issues nor itching burning tenderness or puffiness. However if I really grab my prior gyno I can feel some very dual soreness. But I really have to feel around for it and put a lot of pressure in the area around my nipple and underneath it. I have only noticed this for 2 days now and I am thinking it's all in my head. If i jump I don't feel anything nor do I really feel anything if I slap my nipple lightly with a shirt on. Now ik that would KILL if this was actually gyno. My plan is to just give it a couple more days, keep an eye on it and go from there.

    I have 10 2.5 mg tabs of letro

    A ton of nolva and clomid that I was gonna run for pct.

    Also a bunch of adex but I liked the aromisn that it's is a suicide inhib and knowing that I am gyno prone figured that would be the better route to go.

    Thanks guys. If you gotta flame go ahead. Whatever blows your hair back.
    Last edited by cradke11; 10-11-2017 at 07:48 PM.

  2. #2
    wrecks72 is offline New Member
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    Really what your asking about gyno you obviously have more experience than most. You have all the proper AI's and Caber for prolactin. I personally take adex and have no experience with letro or aromasin . There are plenty of studies done on nolva that says it cures gyno. There is a lot of info here but you'll have to do some reading.

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    wrecks72 is offline New Member
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  4. #4
    cradke11 is offline New Member
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    I have done a bunch of research and reading but like I said because I don't have the typical signs I'm confused. Now I don't know if it's because I already have gyno and this is why I don't have the usual sides? I have bookmarked numerous sites about AI usage and dosage. Read them all but just was hoping someone can confirm that it's in all in my head. Even tho ik I won't know anything till I get blood work done. Would it be a waste to get blood work done after a couple weeks or should i jist wait till the 4-6 week time frame

  5. #5
    wrecks72 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by cradke11 View Post
    I have done a bunch of research and reading but like I said because I don't have the typical signs I'm confused. Now I don't know if it's because I already have gyno and this is why I don't have the usual sides? I have bookmarked numerous sites about AI usage and dosage. Read them all but just was hoping someone can confirm that it's in all in my head. Even tho ik I won't know anything till I get blood work done. Would it be a waste to get blood work done after a couple weeks or should i jist wait till the 4-6 week time frame
    Did you get blood work before you started the cycle to have a base line to compare to ? If you think you're having side effects blood work is the only way to confirm if estrogen or prolactin is high. If you wait for noticeable side effects then it's going to be a lot harder to reverse. Again I have no experience with gyno. This all comes from my interpretation of what I've read on this forum and a couple others like it.

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  7. #7
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    Pitch the letrozole in the trash where it belongs.

    Did you have hard lump gyno or fatty tissue gyno in the past?

    Nolvadex is extremely effective at treating hard lump gyno @ 60mg a day it should be gone in 2-4 weeks.

    Raloxifene is another effective treatment.

    Surgery is another effective treatment.

    Do not treat it with AI.

  8. #8
    cradke11 is offline New Member
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    I'm not trying to treat it with the aromasin . I'm just hoping that keeps my estrogen levels low. So I don't have issues with gyno. I do have a hard pump from a previous cycle unfortunately. Was very poorly instructed on how to run a cycle. My fault yes I know. Would hate to start running nolva of this isn't even gyno. I'm very early into my cycle and the sides are not bad and I believe it is all in my head. The last thing I want is more gyno that's why I'm prepared this time around.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by cradke11 View Post
    I'm not trying to treat it with the aromasin. I'm just hoping that keeps my estrogen levels low. So I don't have issues with gyno. I do have a hard pump from a previous cycle unfortunately. Was very poorly instructed on how to run a cycle. My fault yes I know. Would hate to start running nolva of this isn't even gyno. I'm very early into my cycle and the sides are not bad and I believe it is all in my head. The last thing I want is more gyno that's why I'm prepared this time around.
    All will tell you to pull bloods for estrogen.

    Just run 20mg of nolva per day with your cycle. Some do this anyway as a means of prevention.

  10. #10
    cradke11 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obspowerstroke View Post
    All will tell you to pull bloods for estrogen.

    Just run 20mg of nolva per day with your cycle. Some do this anyway as a means of prevention.
    yeah ill give that a shot for a week and go from there. Would it be a waste to get bloods done so early tho?

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by cradke11 View Post
    yeah ill give that a shot for a week and go from there. Would it be a waste to get bloods done so early tho?
    Safe advice would be to do it now while you are experiencing the sides/issue.

    Personally I would run the nolva and give it a couple weeks. Bet it clears it up. I willwarn you, if you continue this cycle you need to stay on the nolva the entire way through and run pct as you normally would. The shit can co.e back in a week if its hard lump gyno.

  12. #12
    cradke11 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obspowerstroke View Post
    Safe advice would be to do it now while you are experiencing the sides/issue.

    Personally I would run the nolva and give it a couple weeks. Bet it clears it up. I willwarn you, if you continue this cycle you need to stay on the nolva the entire way through and run pct as you normally would. The shit can co.e back in a week if its hard lump gyno.
    Alot of research claims to not run nolva with tren . Im really getting frustrated with this. My nipples show ZERO sign of gyno they dont itch and are not sensitive to touch AT ALL. My older gyno lumps are just getting sore and its hard to say if there getting larger in size or not.....

    Should i cut out the test? or cut out the tren to see if i can narrow down weather this is a progesterone or estro related gyno?

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by cradke11 View Post
    Alot of research claims to not run nolva with tren . Im really getting frustrated with this. My nipples show ZERO sign of gyno they dont itch and are not sensitive to touch AT ALL. My older gyno lumps are just getting sore and its hard to say if there getting larger in size or not.....

    Should i cut out the test? or cut out the tren to see if i can narrow down weather this is a progesterone or estro related gyno?
    I would personally either make the decision to run the nolva, while on cycle at low dose, up to the start of pct.... Or I would cease the cycle.

    What is the reasoning behind not running tren with nolva? You are talking to someone with a pea sized knot in my right nipple on a butt ton of tren managing it with nolva...

    Is it psycological reasons? I cant help you there.

  14. #14
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    Nother thing is you need DA such as cabergoline @ .25mg twice a week on that much tren .

    Are you having any issue obtaining orgasm or maintaining erection? When prolactin gets high (19 nors are known for this) anorgasmia/ED can be a sure sign.

    Nothing embarrassing about it. In fact I enjoyed my first bout with anorgasmia because I was in a new relationship (good times) but that quickly became inability to maintain erectionafter that cycle (not so good of times).

    Nevermind I just saw the caber... Sorry.

    Nolva sir.

  15. #15
    cradke11 is offline New Member
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    Just banged the ol lady a night ago with no issues. I don't have much of a sex drive not overly horny either. I've just been told to try cutting one of the drugs out to see which one is giving me this issue. I forgot to mention I was running .25mg of dbol ed for a week then stopped once I thought I was getting gyno sides. Again tho another lose dose and am just shocked that this is happen after only a week. I'm gonna do nolva at 40 mg ED for a week then cut it to 20mg ed till pct is over. I will go get bloods done on Monday.
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  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by cradke11 View Post
    Just banged the ol lady a night ago with no issues. I don't have much of a sex drive not overly horny either. I've just been told to try cutting one of the drugs out to see which one is giving me this issue. I forgot to mention I was running .25mg of dbol ed for a week then stopped once I thought I was getting gyno sides. Again tho another lose dose and am just shocked that this is happen after only a week. I'm gonna do nolva at 40 mg ED for a week then cut it to 20mg ed till pct is over. I will go get bloods done on Monday.
    Good luck. It willbe over and back to normal soon I hope

  17. #17
    cradke11 is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obspowerstroke View Post
    Good luck. It willbe over and back to normal soon I hope
    I will keep you posted. Thanks for your time and advice. So far tho it really hasnt gotten worse since tuesday. The lump i can tell has either gotten a tiny bit bigger or is just swollen but i feel like its under control. Fingers crossed

    Will go in for bloods on monday ill be getting my prolactin check as well.
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  18. #18
    cradke11 is offline New Member
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    Total test 468.4
    E2 <5
    Free test 15.3
    Prolactin 5

    My last shot of prop was on sat at 125 mg. Then didn't do another till after my blood was taken on monday

    Please where should I go from here. I am only doing 125 mg of test prop EOD and would like to up that eventually to 700 a week since I won't be running the tren since I believe that is what was giving me gyno.

    Also is my prolactin low? Or is that where is should be? Sorry I should have done bloods prior to cycle which I will for sure do once I'm off and some time has passed. Any help is appreciated thank you

    I was running the 40mg of nolva and .66 of letro since last week Thursday and my gyno is like 90% gone
    Last edited by cradke11; 10-19-2017 at 09:03 AM.

  19. #19
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    Hey guys. So help me out here. I havent started mine yet, still waiting on blood work to come back. But a good friend of mine isnt so patient. Neither of us have cycled in quite a long time. He started back up, very impatient, no bloodwork, no AI. Test E only, i believe 250 mg once a week but i could be mistaken on frequency. He called me this morn, wanted my input. Had a small gybo lump for quite some time anyway, and now has sensitivity in nipples, water retention, and lump got slightly bigger, but only size of maybe a quarter now.

    My suggestion would be to run nolva to reverse anything going on and include arimidex going forward. But wanted to check with the knowledgable group first

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