How much do steroids affect fertility?
Even with hcg , is sperm count lowered while on cycle? I never want children so if you told me that cycling will prevent fertility i wouldnt bat an eye lol. Do trt levels vs blast levels make a difference? I was about to make an appt with a urologist to get snipped but ive been reading horror stories about how it can hurt pleasure and performance. So for now im hoping that lowered sperm count combined with protection will be enough to keep reproduction near impossible.
10-14-2017, 12:07 AM #2
TRT or blast makes no difference. hCG is in favor of fertility. "Near impossible" would be near impossible to predict.
"It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel
AAS is bad fur fertility
You saw you never want kids but that changes when you gave one.
I'm pretty thankful for my don, and now that I can't give him a brother or sister, I wish I'd plan better
To piggyback off of Austinite it is impossible to predict.... hCG mimicks our LH function, hence why we take it on cycle and not after(remember it is a suppressive still) however, we can't produce spermatozoa without LH first but we have HMG strictly to produce spermatozoa along side hCG! That's the best bet for anyone wanting to conceive imho... I know myself being primary hypogonadal that's probably my best bet or chance but my friend used clomid therapy and just conceived himself... he was not on TRT
Keep having unprotected sex and I'm sure you'll find out sooner or later.
10-14-2017, 07:18 AM #7
Progestins might help in lowering fertility it's what has been used in studies about male contraception at relatively high doses stacked with Test.
Interesting. You mean like npp and tren for example?
10-14-2017, 12:17 PM #9
That's an option yes but synthetic progesterone (think bc pills) should work even better and with less sides, these could be high prolactin, gyno, moodiness, especially if E2 isn't perfectly in check.
It's highly experimental btw. I always stack a progestin with my TRT cause it goes to benefit mood, libido and overall functioning, I too care zero about fertility but never got my juice checked, beware though even with 99.99% suppression on a theoretical level only one spermatozoa is ultimately required for conception , in fact male contraception via drugs is rather hard (say: near impossible ) to achieve.
So duh, the idea of zeroing your sperm count in order to have unprotected sex safely (I've thought of that) might not work like intended...
I dont know what to do. Im super careful, i wear a rubber no matter what and still withdraw accordingly. I just dont want some physco chick to trap me. And like i said ive read horror stories about post vasectomy life. All this work to impress chicks and now im scared to get stuck with one of them lol. Women have alot more control when it comes to contraception. Hopefully if i ever so settle down with a girl who also doesnt want kids she could get that laser treatment on the uterus and not have to worry about pregnancy. I heard its pretty safe for them. An older chick i see actually has been saying shes gonna do it. Thatd be a treat.
What bc pills are you talking about? Please School me ol' wise oneLast edited by Octaneforce; 10-14-2017 at 12:55 PM.
10-14-2017, 01:55 PM #12
That depends what you consider to be an unfortunate outcome.
You are abs right... always wear the latex. There is always side B for naked feeling eheheh.
I meant, the progesterone you find in combo with estrogen, it's synthetic and a bit different than endogenous progesterone, the former being much more tolerable for us men due to lack of conversion into other compounds of the latter. There are also progesterone-only bc pills available and what I use when not on Tren (just a bit of...) like desogestrel (azalia/cerazette), but honestly, I have no idea of the impact of these on fertility since I use them to aid with well-being.
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