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Thread: Bipolar and Juice

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Kelowna, Canada

    Bipolar and Juice

    I've been lifting for some years now, last year I was diagnosed with mild bipolar (only manic symptoms, no depression), anyway, I was thinking about juicing in another year or so and I was wondering if there's anybody I can talk to about this that is in a similar situation? or somebody that juices now that has bipolar.


  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Wherever necessary
    I think Nathan (one of our Mods) has dealt with this- might PM him about it

  3. #3
    Vile if you want you can PM me or just keep it in the thread, I suffer from bi polar (ultradian cycler) and use aas.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by sd11
    Vile if you want you can PM me or just keep it in the thread, I suffer from bi polar (ultradian cycler) and use aas.
    Yeah, I'm bi-polar. I also have OCD and a few other anxiety-related disorders. I'm sure admitting this doesn't give me any credibility around here but whateva. Actually, I tried meds and nothing worked, only ever made the problem worse. Then I tried smoking marijuana on a more or less daily basis and that did the trick. I get depressed verily easily and it's tough to deal with but when I smoke, it just goes away for a while, which is nice and makes thigns easier. Don't judge me man.

  5. #5
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    Wherever necessary
    Nathan - you are assuming that you actually had some credibility on here?

    but really, with a sense of humor like yours, I would never be depressed, you do have a talent for that Nathan

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Kelowna, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by sd11
    Vile if you want you can PM me or just keep it in the thread, I suffer from bi polar (ultradian cycler) and use aas.

    I'm not positive if I've msged you, so if you did receive a msg ignore this one heh...

    Any information you can share with me on this matter?

    I went manic last year, I'm on seroquel/epival as of now, and soon to just be epival. I have been told by quite a few people to just ride out bipolar for a couple years to get use to its symptoms before I start any gear. I've gained a fair amount of weight on me since I started the pills, from 185 to about 240. I'm hoping to lose some weight when I get off the seroquel, water/fat + better eating habits, not sure if you've experienced the hunger fraction of it *shrugs*.

    I was in a psychosis for a summer last year out of the blue, my situation is like this, My psychosis came out of the blue last year while I was at work, and lasted for 3 days (parents and friends thinking I was drugged or drunk all the time), before I went to the hospital, they gave me risperadal and vallium to put me out because I did not want to stay at the hospital which ended up in me punching a couple of the hospital guards in the intensive unit. anyway, I spent a summer in there, got out, 4 months later on my 18th birthday, I spent the entire weekend drinking with friends and on the sunday night, i could not sleep and went manic again for monday just in time to make a slight episode at school, I was sent back to the hospital for another 2 weeks, and was still in a psychosis for another month after that. Anyway, that's the deal, after many thyroid/blood tests everything is normal so I must be bipolar, I never had the depressive symptoms of bipolar not sure what that's called, I only have the manic, and they haven't set in yet, except for the fact that I don't feel my body looks that great, don't think that has anything to do with bipolar but *Shrugs* never know.

    anyway, my doctor asked me if I did steroids and I didn't so I said no, and she told me that it could throw me into psychosis, haven't touched gear yet, fairly natural, fuck anyway, heh, Any opinions?

    ps, wondering if you went into psychosis or was diagnosed with it earlier?

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Kelowna, Canada
    If only I could guide forums like I can porn sites.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2003

    You are taking quite a risk by experimenting with AS..From a medical standpoint I do not think the rewards warrant the risk. Falling back into a psychosis is a danger especially when you introduce drugs that are going to further throw off and manipulate your hormones..Ans something else to keep in mind that a state of psychosis can be indefinite and this is certainly not a way to exist..Think seriously about this as it could have grave effects on the rest of your life.Good Luck!!!

    Doc M

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by hercules88
    i agree with doc m and another thing is once your off some peole get depressed due to not gaining like while on and loss of killer pumps in the gym. it got me down for a couple of days. over all your hormones are a tricky think to mess with cuase they have a huge effect on mood and this might interact negativly with bi polar.

    hey nathan have you tried any desensitization techniques for your anxieties?
    Yes. Believe it or not, I used to be way weirder. I used to not to be able to lead a normal life. My mind was always going super fast, calculating and finding ways to entertain my obsessions. I used to have a counting compulsio, for instance. I used to count letters and shit until my head hurt. Then I'd bitch about my head hurting because I couldn't stop counting and so was told to just stop, which I couldn't do. Very strange indeed to know you're crazy yet feel helpless about it.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Kelowna, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by Nathan
    Yes. Believe it or not, I used to be way weirder. I used to not to be able to lead a normal life. My mind was always going super fast, calculating and finding ways to entertain my obsessions. I used to have a counting compulsio, for instance. I used to count letters and shit until my head hurt. Then I'd bitch about my head hurting because I couldn't stop counting and so was told to just stop, which I couldn't do. Very strange indeed to know you're crazy yet feel helpless about it.
    I thought I was being watched, I sang inside of my head, never stopped singing, I would listen to mp3s on my computer and sing extra parts to songs over and over and over and over, then I began writing my own songs which are interesting to say the least, then when I wasn't singing, I thought the cia/css were after me, everytime a flicker on the tv happend I thought they were watching me, I would hear snaps on the phone and think it was tapped, I even once saw when I was watching tv a couple friends of the family & relatives on the television going about everyday life (starting a car to go to work), so I thought I could send electrical pulses with my brain to the television/computer and look and listen in to whoever I wanted, that's why I thought I was being watched, that lead me into reading a lot of buddhism, shamanism topics while I was recouperating from my psychosis, at one point I thought I was a SKYTELL, that could pick up what other people were thinking around the world, read in to a bunch of astral projection shit and thought I talked to my dead Grandmother that I never met in my life.
    I had the most sensitive hearing I'd ever had in my entire life. My psychosis broke out with a snap of hallucinations and delusions, I was on the couch listening to the t.v and all of a sudden saw tracers of aliens running around the room, so I freaked out, tried to sleep but they followed me, hiding everywhere to observe me, then when I tried to talk to my parents, I couldn't understand what they were saying, no language, it was just a bunch of growls, grunts and clicks, which raised the hair on my fucking neck, tripped out on darwins theories ugh,
    that night I couldn't sleep, then I tripped out thinking music was the way to call the aliens and I was singing all day so they must be coming, later when everybody was sleeping, I was sitting on the couch in my basement and I kept seeing tracers, I began to hallucinate about aliens running around my basement and all I heard were foreign clicks and clacks, then an explosive amount of clicks, like a hundred fire crackers went off in my basement, I ran up stairs scared shit less, turned on all the lights in my house, meditated while I laid down on my bed with my eyes open, and snapped out of my trance around 10am. That was some freaky shit I tell ya.

  11. #11
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    Kelowna, Canada
    My thoughts also raced, but mine raced from one thought to another thought that had something to do with the last thought, then I would think of a new thought that was developed from the last thought, a loop thought of disaster.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Red face

    Last edited by Joey2ness; 02-10-2006 at 12:50 PM.

  13. #13
    **** you mother****ers have problems and nathan is a pothead!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yeah baby! lol jk about problems...we all have them. i can't sleep and i had a dream i felt a spirit scream at me earlier today and a brush of cold air as "She" passed me in my dark room. WEIRD

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