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Thread: Quick arousal/ejaculation

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2014

    Quick arousal/ejaculation

    Most of the time, having trouble ejaculating is associated with having high prolactin levels. So do we associate someone with a quick climax to be having a low prolactin issue?
    Last edited by Bicep321; 10-17-2017 at 04:15 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2017
    Are you asking if premature ejaculation is a low prolactin issue? If so, I hate to say it, but that's not a chemical/hormone issue

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Are you talking about someone who finishes before he starts? PE is wat they call it some guys have it some don't.

  4. #4
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    I'm told Austinite has struggled with this. He'll be able to help.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    I’m talking about not being able to last. I don’t ever have that kind of issue but when I come off of tren ace and I’m on test only, I have that issue. It happens every time. I’m getting blood work tomorrow.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2017
    It's in your head man. You're very likely horny/very high libido from the test and just getting too revved up. Not an issue that bloodwork is going to shed light on

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    I have this problem when I am not that into it. Most would say its the other way around but nope.
    If I am real horny and really needing that poosay I can take a long time.
    If she has to drag me to the bedroom and jumps on top and tries to break it off I am done in thirty seconds and looking at her like, "now you went to all that trouble for this?"

    Its backwards I know... My tounge winds up having to save my ass every time this happens. By "my ass" I mean hers and by "save" I mean lick.

    I have to lick her ass until she gets off!
    Goddamn ya'll are thick.

  8. #8
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    Oct 2014
    This is also coupled with ED. I have a lot of issues right now going on with my sexual functionality.

    Here's a link to my current situation:

    I will be doing a HUGE pct starting asap. I'm just waiting to get my hcg in the mail and I will take my last pin of test and I'm going to attempt to make a full recovery.

    I will also add, there are two treatments that seem to be somewhat promising for ED issues. One is Acetyl L Carnitine & Alpha Lipoic Acid treatment to attempt to address the psychological issues that may be causing ED. There has been scientific research done on this and some of the results seem very promising. There is one account of this actually working well. How legitimate this is, I can't tell ya. But here is the link to that: A Cure for Erectile Dysfunction: ALC/ALA

    According to that account, this works at extreme doses. But do some research and you'll find some very interesting stuff on this.

    The other treatment is L-Arginine & pycnogenol. This seems to address the more physiological issues of ED. Again, there are many accounts of this being effective and there have been real scientific studies and tests. It's actually recognized as an actual treatment for ED.

    It's hard to tell if those treatments will actually benefit me or not because most personal accounts aren't of self induced ED. I'm also 24 years old. A lot of the guys that tried this posting on forums might be way older and have different causes for their ED. But none the less, I believe that there may be some benefit to those treatments. Therefore I will be adding them to my recovery protocol. I have ordered everything and they are currently on the way.

    My protocol will be as follows:

    2g of Acetyl L-Carnitine daily
    1200mg Alpha Lipoic Acid daily
    2g L-Arginine daily
    90mg Pycnogenol daily

    Those will be my doses to start. We'll go about a month of that to see how I feel. Please note that I will start this once I am on pct, NOT while test is still in my system. After a month, I will bump up to the dosing to 4g ALC, 1600mg ALA and 150mg pycnogenol. L-Arginine will remain at 2g.

    I'll be getting bloodwork tomorrow and coming clean to my doctor and explaining my situation. I'll hopefully get a referral to an endo and I'll have the endo monitor my bloodwork while on PCT and after. I'll follow up on this but after all the research I've done, I'm having some confidence that with my body's natural ability to heal itself and with the therapy that I've designed for myself, also considering my young age, I will make a comeback!

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Heel94 View Post
    It's in your head man. You're very likely horny/very high libido from the test and just getting too revved up. Not an issue that bloodwork is going to shed light on
    weird thing bro, libido is low....not really horny at all

  10. #10
    austinite's Avatar
    austinite is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    I'm told Austinite has struggled with this. He'll be able to help.
    I have Retarded Ejaculation, the opposite.

    Bicep321, you need to calm yourself. This is likely anxiety related. Try high doses of L-theanine. 400mg 3 to 4 times daily and see what happens.

    Have a powerful day.

    "It's human nature in a 'more is better' society full of a younger generation that expects instant gratification, then complain when they don't get it. The problem will get far worse before it gets better". ~ kelkel

  11. #11
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    I have been using Cialis for years helps.

    I started HGH 10IU daily and ED hit like a mofo.

    They don't tell you HGH raises Prolactin. Something for everyone to note.

    Even with raised Prolactin I get wood all night long..waking up with it all night. During awake time....wood is a little difficult. Why? It's in the head and in the blood pressure.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Obspowerstroke View Post
    I have this problem when I am not that into it. Most would say its the other way around but nope.
    If I am real horny and really needing that poosay I can take a long time.
    If she has to drag me to the bedroom and jumps on top and tries to break it off I am done in thirty seconds and looking at her like, "now you went to all that trouble for this?"

    Its backwards I know... My tounge winds up having to save my ass every time this happens. By "my ass" I mean hers and by "save" I mean lick.

    I have to lick her ass until she gets off!
    Goddamn ya'll are thick.
    Nothing wrong with a little ass eating

  13. #13
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    Home of the Braves
    Quote Originally Posted by Bicep321 View Post
    I’m talking about not being able to last. I don’t ever have that kind of issue but when I come off of tren ace and I’m on test only, I have that issue. It happens every time. I’m getting blood work tomorrow.
    Order some priligy. That will fix the issue. I wouldn't take it every time you had sex, but every now and then. It can help you get a mental edge on yourself.
    Something to consider when using priligy would be to add cialis to the protocol. Many times you can last so long that you'll lose your erection on priligy. Cialis will help. This stuff helped me in this area after a wad having some emotional issues in the past. Now I have no reason to use it. But it's worth it. Don't order any of the priligy/cialis or Viagra mixed caps. You'll get ripped off. Take 40-60mgs.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Hey for a quick fix try trojan extended pleasure condoms. Put them on five minutes before and you wont be getting off for a long time

  15. #15
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    Oct 2014
    Bloodwork results:

    FSH <0.7 1.6-8.0
    LH <0.2 1.5-9.3

    Test total 1051 250-1100
    Free test 307.9 35.0-155.0

    Prolactin <1.0 2.0-18.0

    Bloodwork was done 6 days after pinning test, which was 500mg. FSH and LH is what I expected. Yes I do use hcg but I pinned hcg about 6 days earlier as well.

    The big concern is low prolactin. I've had this issue before after being on caber. I usually run it at .25mg twice a week. Last caber I had taken was 3 weeks prior to this bloodwork. Again, I'm having serious ED issues where even on viagra, cialis or levitra I can't have sex. It's clear to me that it's more than a physiological problem. It's mainly a cognital issue. Low prolactin is associated with ED so I'm starting to get the idea that this might be the biggest issue I have. Only thing is, I have no idea what to do about low prolactin and there's almost nothing online about treating it.

    Anybody have this issue?

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    upper midwest
    OP did my wife put you up to asking this question?

  17. #17
    You will some of the ED meds (VIAGRA) these days contain DAPOXETINE to help prevent premature ejaculation.

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by ALIN View Post
    You will some of the ED meds (VIAGRA) these days contain DAPOXETINE to help prevent premature ejaculation.
    ^^^man of experience^^^

  19. #19
    PE is better than choking your chicken for an hour just so it'll wake up and peck. LOL

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