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Thread: First Test Only Cycle PCT Question

  1. #1
    pugsley is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    First Test Only Cycle PCT Question

    Age: 42
    Weight: 235
    Height: 5'8
    BF: 26%

    On week 7 of first cycle in my life, Test E 500mg/week Monday/Thursday pinning.
    Arimidex every other day 0.5

    Successful cycle thus far, incredible energy and endurance, leaning out some, regaining and/or adding muscle mass, no side effects.

    I have been reading and reading and reading this and other forums, and as I know many of you also experience, get confused about the variety of PCT options.

    The friend who provided me with the gear is recommending only HCG for PCT. I'm all for taking the least amount of chemicals, and he does have a lot of experience, but based on my stats above, what do you guys think? (Because every other article I seem to come across mentions a much more elaborate PCT than just HCG)

    I'll mention that I engaged in this without bloodwork, and my intention is to talk to Dr. and get bloodwork before any future cycle. I initially started this with a "testosterone replacement therapy" approach, at 250mg/week and wasn't planning on doing any PCT at that low level. After the second week, I upped it to 500mg. And yeah, I realize that I should have seen the doctor, but I'm like a lot of you other crazy people who enjoys doing science experiments on myself, so please don't judge.

    I would appreciate any genuine second opinions on PCT. Money is not an issue, and I have access to pretty much any product needed, and am only on week 7. So I am willing to get what is needed, if I determine it's needed. Or just do HCG and see how that goes.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    hCG is for on cycle up until start of PCT
    PCT should be clomid and nolva

    and for what it is worth....
    250mg/week is about 2.5 to 3x what doctors usually prescribe for TRT.
    "health" clinics are the ones who prescribe 200mg/week

  3. #3
    clarky. is offline MONITOR
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    Just on your PCT Q.

    PCT will start 14 days after your last pin,

    Nolva 40,20,20,20
    Clomid, 75,50,50,50

    That's it ^^^ simple.

    Will you recover ? Who knows just now, pre cycle blood and post cycle bloods will say.
    PT1982 likes this.

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