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Everything ultimately travels through the liver. Correct, you'd be at risk of permanent shut down which at 27 (if I recall correctly) would really suck imho. And I guarantee you would say the same eventually. Think 60 years of injections and monitoring all this crap.....
Sounds like your pct was all screwed up, backwards and incomplete to be honest. At least from what you posted. Meaning you're not giving yourself the most optimal chance to restart. That said, with any pct you will lose some weight. Particularly water weight. You can never expect to keep all you gain on cycle. It just doesn't work that way.
Good that your diet is holding as it's where many fail. Brain fog, etc is not abnormal for pct as it relates to low hormone levels. Your HPTA is in flux right now, trying to recover and searching for homeostasis. Guys can blame it on nolva all they want but that ain't it, it's simply abnormal hormone levels and your body trying to recover.