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Thread: Blast & Cruise + short time off with HCG only

  1. #1

    Blast & Cruise + short time off with HCG only


    I just ran my first cycle and is about to finish my PCT.

    I am currently considering starting to blast and cruise as this makes more sense to me as I am going to compete in powerlifting, both for the results and health.

    I were thinking that since HCG mimics the LH and get the testicles to produce testosterone you could use HCG only for the first 3 weeks after your blast, so that you have your testosterone going and get some size on your balls again.

    So it would look something like this

    Week 1 - 10: 400mg test enanthate per week
    Week 10 - 13: 5000 IU HCG per week
    Week 13 - 20: 125mg test enanthate per week


    What do you guys think?

  2. #2
    I do not recommend blasting and cruising.
    hCG should be run the entire time at 250ius two times per week (500ius total).
    Why only have your balls working for 3 weeks when they could be functioning the entire time?

  3. #3
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    Why would you wanna go three weeks without taking test, if you plan to cruise? And why would you want to start your natural production back up after the blast, just to shut it down again?

  4. #4
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    Make your choice.

    Blast and cruise for a non TRT patient is not the ideal thing to do for your health. If you are going to blast and cruise do it and live with the outcome. We all end up on TRT at some point if we are honest about our health.

  5. #5
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Deadlifting Dog View Post
    Why only have your balls working for 3 weeks when they could be functioning the entire time?

    Testicals for the win, Alex!
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  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by The Deadlifting Dog View Post
    I do not recommend blasting and cruising.
    hCG should be run the entire time at 250ius two times per week (500ius total).
    Why only have your balls working for 3 weeks when they could be functioning the entire time?
    I would take the HCG only to give my body a rest from the synthetic testosterone, and live on the testosterone my body produces from taking HCG shots. If there is a real benefit to this, I don't know.

    Quote Originally Posted by guitarzan View Post
    Why would you wanna go three weeks without taking test, if you plan to cruise? And why would you want to start your natural production back up after the blast, just to shut it down again?
    For the reasons I mentioned in my response to The Deadlifting Dog From what I understand, with HCG you force your body to produce testosterone trough the mimick of LH, also that HCG shut down your own LH production, so I don't think my own production would benefit that much from such a short window without test. I am throwing this out there to hear others opinions on my take.

    Quote Originally Posted by Chicagotarsier View Post
    Cowboy up

    Make your choice.

    Blast and cruise for a non TRT patient is not the ideal thing to do for your health. If you are going to blast and cruise do it and live with the outcome. We all end up on TRT at some point if we are honest about our health.
    Yes, I agree. However, I see going off and taking a lot of meds made for women with breast cancer and having your hormones crashing and repeating this 2-3 times per year as a less ideal option for your health. But I would like to hear opinions against my thoughts too, as I have not made up my mind on this.

    The benefits of TRT for patients suffering low T are endless, and the likelihood of you having a lower natural T for each cycle is real. I've seen studies showing that your natural T will not be the same when you take the plunge to start cycling.

    If I were a normal human being doing everyday stuff I would start TRT at some point regardless. Probably between 35 and 40, depending on bloodwork. I am currently 27.

  7. #7
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Think of it this way. Guys on TRT use HCG year round to maintain testicular function. It makes no sense if you are going to B & C that you don't simply do the same. You're over-complicating it. Three weeks off from testosterone isn't really giving your body a break. It's pointless really, same ad blasting and cruising is when you don't have to.

    If you were making a living off the sport or maybe going for a national title it may be worth the risk, otherwise just run a normal pct, wait a while, pull BW to see how you recovered and plan your next run. It's your first cycle, be patient.
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Think of it this way. Guys on TRT use HCG year round to maintain testicular function. It makes no sense if you are going to B & C that you don't simply do the same. You're over-complicating it. Three weeks off from testosterone isn't really giving your body a break. It's pointless really, same ad blasting and cruising is when you don't have to.

    If you were making a living off the sport or maybe going for a national title it may be worth the risk, otherwise just run a normal pct, wait a while, pull BW to see how you recovered and plan your next run. It's your first cycle, be patient.
    Yes, makes sense!

    How many cycles would you do per year before considering blasting and cruising? And when you say risks, which risks do you have in mind? I have done national titles in powerlifting drugfree, I am aiming for international titles competing against the big dogs the coming years.

  9. #9
    kelkel's Avatar
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    Depends on whether long or short esters. I prefer long esters which equal longer cycles, say 12-14 weeks, which is best for powerlifting anyway imho. Two per year is the norm with long cycles.

    There's always risks with cycling but it can be mitigated with the proper ancillaries and blood work. You have to listen to your body and monitor bloods frequently to do this. The over-whelming majority don't do this which is why many end up with issues. Main issues that come to mind would be RBC's (thick blood) and liver issues. Not to mention controlling estrogen and possible blood pressure, even psa. Some guys will never have an issue, others get many.

    If you haven't done so take the time and read the Successful First Cycle Sticky Thread at the top of this forum. It's a great, informative read and establishes basic guidelines for you to use. Just use common sense and think long term health and you'll be fine.

    And congrats on your success in drug free events.
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  10. #10
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    Listen to Kel, he know his stuff. Might want to read this.

    IMHO, HCG at 200iu daily. Deez Nuts of mine are important and HCG is something I do not like to miss. I will take a double dose if I miss a day.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Depends on whether long or short esters. I prefer long esters which equal longer cycles, say 12-14 weeks, which is best for powerlifting anyway imho. Two per year is the norm with long cycles.

    There's always risks with cycling but it can be mitigated with the proper ancillaries and blood work. You have to listen to your body and monitor bloods frequently to do this. The over-whelming majority don't do this which is why many end up with issues. Main issues that come to mind would be RBC's (thick blood) and liver issues. Not to mention controlling estrogen and possible blood pressure, even psa. Some guys will never have an issue, others get many.

    If you haven't done so take the time and read the Successful First Cycle Sticky Thread at the top of this forum. It's a great, informative read and establishes basic guidelines for you to use. Just use common sense and think long term health and you'll be fine.

    And congrats on your success in drug free events.
    I were thinking about the risks with blasting and cruising. But the risks you listed seems to be the same risks that I have discovered through my research, aside from liver issues. I have never read that people get liver issues from testosterone injections?

    From what I can tell by going on a cruise and blast. And I mean taking TRT doses between cycles. Not 250mg+ that people seem to call a cruise. The main risk seems to be permanent HPTA shutdown, and from there you'll keep everything in check by getting bloodwork every 90 days and monitoring your RBC, LDL, HDL, PSA values and estradiol levels.

    It's been 5 week since I were on. I did 300mg of testosterone enanthate for 10 weeks. Started 20mg nolvadex every day, 1 week after my last injection. HCG 9 days later. I broke the ampoule and got glass mixed in the HCG and had to get a new set, which is why I started the HCG at a sub optimal time. I ran it for 1 week only at 5000 IU total, which I think is about half of what I should have done. I would have started right after my last injection, and run it for atleast 2 weeks, 10,000 IU total.

    Right now I am down about 7,7 LBS from when I was on. Probably a lot of water weight. My muscles look and feel flat. Waistline is down about 1,6 inches. No change in diet. Been eating a bit more actually since I am a lot hungrier. Been having a brain fog for the last week. I could find some people experiencing this in PCT as well and they blamed it on Nolva. Energy levels fluctuates a bit.

    Appreciate your compliment, mate :-)

  12. #12
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Everything ultimately travels through the liver. Correct, you'd be at risk of permanent shut down which at 27 (if I recall correctly) would really suck imho. And I guarantee you would say the same eventually. Think 60 years of injections and monitoring all this crap.....

    Sounds like your pct was all screwed up, backwards and incomplete to be honest. At least from what you posted. Meaning you're not giving yourself the most optimal chance to restart. That said, with any pct you will lose some weight. Particularly water weight. You can never expect to keep all you gain on cycle. It just doesn't work that way.

    Good that your diet is holding as it's where many fail. Brain fog, etc is not abnormal for pct as it relates to low hormone levels. Your HPTA is in flux right now, trying to recover and searching for homeostasis. Guys can blame it on nolva all they want but that ain't it, it's simply abnormal hormone levels and your body trying to recover.
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  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    Everything ultimately travels through the liver. Correct, you'd be at risk of permanent shut down which at 27 (if I recall correctly) would really suck imho. And I guarantee you would say the same eventually. Think 60 years of injections and monitoring all this crap.....

    Sounds like your pct was all screwed up, backwards and incomplete to be honest. At least from what you posted. Meaning you're not giving yourself the most optimal chance to restart. That said, with any pct you will lose some weight. Particularly water weight. You can never expect to keep all you gain on cycle. It just doesn't work that way.

    Good that your diet is holding as it's where many fail. Brain fog, etc is not abnormal for pct as it relates to low hormone levels. Your HPTA is in flux right now, trying to recover and searching for homeostasis. Guys can blame it on nolva all they want but that ain't it, it's simply abnormal hormone levels and your body trying to recover.
    As I want to compete at high levels, I accept that it probably will have me to monitor my bloodwork and injections for the rest of my life. I would go on TRT when the time call for it regardless, I am postponing it about 15 years due to my competitiveness.

    You are probably right on my PCT being screwed up. How would you change it? I stocked up on HCG and the thought of going back on HCG for another week has crossed my mind since I only did 5000 IU for 1 week.

    Yes. I am keeping track of my weight and waistline in order to monitor my calories the proper way during this time of the hormone imbalances my body is going through. I am a bit surprised that I am only getting leaner while eating the same I did during cycle. I worked out 4-6 hours, 6-7 days per week. Dropped the volume and increased intensity to work on neural efficiency and getting more weights on the bar, as my anabolic state is limited at the moment

  14. #14
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    I would have run a normal pct as outlines in the Successful First Cycle Sticky thread.
    My god, what are you doing in the gym that takes 4-6 hours per day for that many days?
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  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by kelkel View Post
    I would have run a normal pct as outlines in the Successful First Cycle Sticky thread.
    My god, what are you doing in the gym that takes 4-6 hours per day for that many days?

    I combine powerlifting and some bodybuilding + prehab (mobility, flexibiliy and massage)

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